Highlighted Stories
Nova Scotia taking more steps toward offshore wind development
Dr. Graham Daborn (Emeritus, Biology) talks the "Trump effect" on the development of Nova Scotia's wind power sector with CBC.
Don't call them incumbents: Four Ottawa ridings with no former MPP seeking re-election
Dr. Alex Marland (Politics) spoke about the power of the borrowed term “incumbent” in Canadian elections.
USAID chaos reveals crossroad for Canada’s foreign-aid funding
In the void left by the USAID suspension, Dr. Liam Swiss (Sociology) says countries like Canada may feel pressure to fill in the foreign aid gaps.
Scotiabank Women Initiative celebrates three years with forum on ‘The State of the Jamaican Woman’
Rev. Dr. Marjorie Lewis (Manning Memorial Chapel) is participating in a panel discussion on "The State of the Jamaican Woman."
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