Scholarships & Financial Assistance
With education costs on the rise, enhancing student assistance is a top priority for Acadia. Each year, we award more than $4 million to students in the form of scholarships, scholar-bursaries, bursaries, awards, and prizes. By maintaining a strong scholarship and financial assistance program, we are able to attract, retain and support our students.
As a donor to scholarships and financial assistance, you can direct your gift toward: general award funds or awards for specific departments, faculties, research, or athletic teams; any existing named awards; or you can create a personal legacy by establishing a named award yourself. By supporting scholarships and financial assistance, you can help to ensure access to all of the rewards of an Acadia education.
If you would like to give generally to the Scholarships and Financial Aid, please click here.
E. Belle Lynds Scholarship
Scholarship of up to $2,840 | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Education, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year
The E. Belle Lynds Scholarship is awarded annually to a student registered in the Bachelor of Education program. Eligible candidates are recommended by the Director of the School of Education. The scholarship is funded directly from the Estate of the late Margaret R. Lynds (M.A. (Hon.) Acadia, 1947) of Moncton, New Brunswick, an outstanding teacher of public speech.
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E. Douglas Craig Scholarship
Scholarship | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Education, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year
The E. Douglas Craig Scholarship is awarded annually to a student in the School of Education at Acadia University. Preference will be given to students from Nova Scotia.
This scholarship has been established by Mr. Craig’s family as a memorial to him. Evan Douglas Craig (BA, BED, MA, Acadia 1947, 1948, 1949) received many honours for his leadership on both the varsity football and hockey teams. He was inducted into Acadia’s Hockey Hall of Fame in 1995. He devoted his career to the education of young Nova Scotians with enthusiasm for the nurturing of young minds and respect for all.
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Edgar Delap Bent Memorial Scholarship in Physics
Scholarship | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Physics
The Edgar Delap Bent Memorial Scholarship in Physics is awarded annually to a student or students enrolled in a program leading to a Bachelor of Science (Physics). The scholarship is provided by the estate of Doris G. Bent (BSH '29), in memory of her husband Edgar Delap Bent (BSc '28).
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Edgar Emerson Eaton Scholarship
The Edgar Emerson Eaton Scholarship. Through the generosity of Mrs. Edgar Emerson Eaton of Elmhurst, New York, the Governors of Acadia University have received an endowed scholarship with an annual value of $200 in memory of her husband, the late Edgar Emerson Eaton, a man of rare character, poise and courage, and a student of versatile interests. Mr. Eaton was a native of Kings County, a former student of Acadia University, and son of David Rupert Eaton, a former Governor of the University. The income from the fund is to be awarded to that male student of Kings County, Nova Scotia, who, in the judgment of the faculty, gives evidence of worthy scholastic standing, fine personality and character.
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Edith Freeman Raddall Scholarship
Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year, Nova Scotia
The Edith Freeman Raddall Scholarship is awarded annually to an entering well rounded student from Liverpool Regional High School on the basis of academic performance. Preference will be given to a student who intends to live in residence during their first year at Acadia. Preference will also be given to a student with demonstrated financial need. The endowed scholar-bursary was established in 2005 by Dr. Thomas H. Raddall (BSc Acadia 1957).
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Edward and Ella Levy Memorial Scholarships
Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year
The Edward and Ella Levy Memorial Scholarships. Two renewable entrance scholarships of $1480 each are available to Atlantic Canada and New England States students. At least one of the two recipients must be in the Faculty of Arts. The scholarships are provided from the Estate of Dr. George Edward Levy (1902 '81), a devoted pastor, teacher and scholar, B.A. Acadia, 1927; M.A. (Th.), 1931; B.D., 1932; D.Th. Union Theological College, Montreal, 1940. Dr. Levy served on faculty at Acadia from 1947 to 1970.
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Edward and Elma Lank Scholarship
Scholarship of up to $2,000 | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Engineering, Nutrition
Established in 2018, the scholarship is awarded to a fulltime returning science student from Nova Scotia, preferably majoring in nutrition or engineering, in recognition of excellence in academics and extra curricular activities. Elma Layton ('47) from Truro and Edward Lank ('46) from Kingston NS lived in Arvida where Edward worked for Alcan. After the family had grown, Elma returned to education until she and Edward moved to Montreal. They also lived in Jamaica and Ireland before retiring to Kingston, ON. Two of their three children, Charlotte ('70) and Ben ('74) are also Acadia graduates and Charlotte is proudly the first second-generation Acadia home economics alumna. The Lank family are passionate about helping young people secure an education.
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Edward Manning Saunders Scholarship in Arts
Scholarship | Eligibility: Arts
The Edward Manning Saunders Scholarship in Arts ($235), being half of the interest on an endowment set up by the late Hon. William Dennis of Halifax, Nova Scotia, is to be awarded to a student in Arts at the end of the third year. The selection is to be made by the Dean of Arts, the Chairperson of the scholarship committee, and the heads of the departments concerned. The scholarship will be applied on the fees of the senior year.
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Edward Manning Saunders Scholarship in Science
Scholarship | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science
The Edward Manning Saunders Scholarship in Science ($235), being half of the interest on an endowment set up by the late Hon. William Dennis of Halifax, Nova Scotia, is to be awarded to a student in the natural sciences at the end of the third year. The selection is to be made by the Dean of Science, the Chairperson of the scholarship committee and the heads of departments concerned. The scholarship will be applied on the fees of the senior year.
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Edwin Crowell Entrance Scholarship
Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year
The Edwin Crowell Entrance Scholarship of $960 is a renewable entrance scholarship provided by the late Dr. Harvey E. Crowell (D.C.L. Acadia, 1956), Chairman of the Board of Governors, 1959 1973, in memory of his father.
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Elinor Kyte-Senior Memorial Scholarship in History
Scholarship | Eligibility: Arts, History, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year
The Elinor Kyte-Senior Memorial Scholarship in History. Established in 1989 by her family and friends, in memory of Elinor KyteSenior (1926 - 1989), a member of the Acadia Faculty 1986 - 87 and 1988 - 89. The scholarship is awarded to a student entering the second or subsequent year of a program leading to a major or honours degree in History. Preference shall be given to a student who has demonstrated a special interest and ability in Military History.
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Elizabeth Douglas Ross Scholarship
Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year, Nova Scotia
The Elizabeth Douglas Ross Scholarship is awarded annually on a renewable basis to an entering student from North Queens Rural High School. This endowed scholarship was established in 2007 by Dr. Elizabeth Ross (BSC Acadia 1947, MD Dalhousie 1952, FRCP).
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Elizabeth MacMillan Scholarship in Nutrition
Scholarship of up to $1,640 | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Nutrition
The Elizabeth MacMillan Scholarship in Nutrition was established to honour Professor Elizabeth MacMillan (B.Sc. (H.Ec.) Acadia, 1931; M.S. Cornell, 1943; D.Sc. Acadia, 1970), Dean of the School from 1943-1971. It is awarded annually to a student enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nutrition program on the recommendation of the Faculty of the School of Nutrition and Dietetics.
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Ella Crowell Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship of up to $2,500 | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Nutrition
The Ella Crowell Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $2,500 will be awarded annually on the recommendation of the Director on the basis of merit to a student registered in the School of Nutrition and Dietetics.
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Ellis-Kirkpatrick Scholarship in Nutrition
Scholarship of up to $950 | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Nutrition, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year
The Ellis-Kirkpatrick Scholarship in Nutrition. A scholarship of $950 to be awarded annually in either the penultimate or ultimate year of the Bachelor of Science degree program on the recommendation of the Director of the School of Nutrition and Dietetics.
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Engineering Entrance Scholarship- Board Scholarship
Scholarship | Eligibility: Applied Science, Entering first year
Engineering Entrance Scholarship- Board Scholarship of $450 ($150 a year for up to three years). To be be awarded to student(s) entering the applied science (engineering) course who have completed matriculation with an average not lower than 85 percent.
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Engineers Nova Scotia Entrance Scholarship
Scholarship | Eligibility: Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year
Engineers Nova Scotia Entrance Scholarship is awarded each year to one entering engineering student from each associated university. The recipient will be a Canadian citizen who is a superior student and who has demonstrated integrity, ethical conduct, service to fellow students and participation in extracurricular activities. Candidates are selected by Academic excellence. Engineers Nova Scotia provides a scholarship annually to a graduating student from each of the Associate Universities in Nova Scotia, who exhibits academic excellence. The scholarship is to be held at Dalhousie University.
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Ernest Robert MacKenzie Kay Scholarships in Biology
Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year
The Ernest Robert MacKenzie Kay Scholarships in Biology are awarded annually to students registered in the BSc (Biology) program. The scholarships are provided to students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and who plan to continue their studies in the field of medical research. The scholarships are made possible through the generosity of Dr. Ernest R. M. Kay of Hamilton, Ontario who was a professor of biology at Acadia during the 1948/49and 1954/55 academic years.
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Ernie Foote and Alyce Foote Memorial Entrance Scholarships
Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year
The Ernie Foote and Alyce Foote Memorial Entrance Scholarships were established by his many friends in recognition of the outstanding contribution which he made to his country and to his fellow man. The Rev. Ernest Gordon Blair Foote, O.B.E., C.D., B.A. (Acadia, '33), D.D. (Presbyterian College, '57), D.C.L. (Acadia, '33), was born in Pictou County, Nova Scotia, and served with distinction in war and peace as a chaplain in the Royal Canadian Navy, rising to the position of Chaplain of the Fleet (Protestant). Upon the integration of the chaplaincy services, he became Deputy Chaplain General and finally Chaplain General (Protestant) of the Canadian Armed Forces.
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Esther Clark Wright International Student Scholarships
Scholarship | Eligibility: International student
The Esther Clark Wright International Student Scholarships are awarded annually to entering or returning international students.These scholarships are made possible through a bequest from the estate of Esther Clark Wright of Wolfville, NS. Dr. Wright (Acadia BA 1912, HON DL 1975; PhD, Radcliffe-Harvard 1931; HON DL, Dalhousie University 1981; HON DL, University of New Brunswick 1984) was a noted author. She taught Sociology at Acadia from 1943 to 1947. In 1988 the lounge in Chase Court and the University Archives were named in her honor.
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Esther Fillmore Pratt Scholarship
Scholarship | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science
This scholarship is intended for students enrolled in or about to enter the Faculty of Science. Awarded on the recommendation of the Faculty of Science and given to any student(s) entering or returning to the BSc program. Recipient(s) must have demonstrated a high level of academic achievement. Financial need is also a consideration. Scholarship is renewable (not to exceed 4 years) if criteria as outlined in citation is met.
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Evans Environmental and Sustainability Studies Scholarship
Scholarship of up to $5,000 | Eligibility: Environmental and Sustainability Studies
Established in 2020 by Donna and Rod Evans (’73), this scholarship recognizes upper level students majoring in Environmental and Sustainability Studies (ESST) with outstanding academic achievement and preferably demonstrating an interest in realistic and achievable environmentally sustainable energy options for Canada. Recipients are identified by the ESST Faculty Council annually. Value: $5,000
Rod Evans began his university education at Acadia in mechanical engineering and completed his BSc (General) and BSc (Mechanical Engineering) at the University of Alberta. Rod spent his career in the Oil and Gas Industry in Alberta and, supported by Donna, founded and grew Upside Engineering into a successful multi-disciplined engineering company that was recognized as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies. Rod and Donna are grateful to have a family of two sons and their partners, and two granddaughters.
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Everett and Maude Coldwell Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship of up to $450 | Eligibility: Arts, French, Spanish, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year
The Everett & Maude Coldwell Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a senior honours student who has made a distinguished record in French or Spanish. It may be awarded to a senior honours student who is going on to graduate work in the same language at another university which either specializes in that language or is located in the province or country of which that language is a native language. Need, character, ability and the probability of entering the teaching profession in the public schools of Nova Scotia are to be taken into consideration. The scholarship was established from the Estate of Ray Lloyd Coldwell (B.A. Acadia, 1917; M.A. Columbia; M.A. Acadia) teacher, administrator, and author.
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