Scholarships & Financial Assistance

With education costs on the rise, enhancing student assistance is a top priority for Acadia. Each year, we award more than $4 million to students in the form of scholarships, scholar-bursaries, bursaries, awards, and prizes. By maintaining a strong scholarship and financial assistance program, we are able to attract, retain and support our students.

As a donor to scholarships and financial assistance, you can direct your gift toward: general award funds or awards for specific departments, faculties, research, or athletic teams; any existing named awards; or you can create a personal legacy by establishing a named award yourself. By supporting scholarships and financial assistance, you can help to ensure access to all of the rewards of an Acadia education.

If you would like to give generally to the Scholarships and Financial Aid, please click here.

Spicer-Hennessey Scholar-Bursary

Eligible subjectsApplied Science, Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Mathematics and Statistics, Nutrition, Physics
Other eligibility criteriaNova Scotia

Established in 2010 by Fred G. Spicer (BSC 1973, MSC 1975) and Bertha L. Spicer (Hennessey) (BSH 1973) in tribute to Fred D. Spicer (BSC 1936) and Helen E. Spicer, Basil R. and Flora Hennessey, and Anne Baggs (Spicer) (BSH 1968). To be awarded to full-time students in the Manning School of Business and/or specified disciplines within the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science (Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Geology, Mathematics and Statistics, Nutrition and Dietetics, and Physics) on the basis of academic achievement at the high school level and demonstrated financial need.

The Spicer-Hennessey endowment supports multiple awards each year. The Scholar-Bursary is valued at the full cost of tuition. In addition, the University will provide a complimentary residence room to the recipient(s) for each year they are in receipt of the Spicer-Hennessey Scholar-Bursary.


• Recipients must be born in Nova Scotia.

• Demonstrated financial need will be an important consideration for selection, with the University’s means test being used to make this determination.

• Recipients must be graduates of a Nova Scotia High School with honors, with an entering average of 85% or higher.

• Preference will be given to graduates of South Colchester Academy in Brookfield or Hants North Rural High School in Kennetcook. If (a) recipient(s) cannot be identified in either of these schools, the University will look to other Nova Scotia high schools for students meeting the Scholar-Bursary criteria.

• Spicer-Hennessey Scholar-Bursaries can be awarded to full-time students entering their first year of full-time study in an undergraduate program in either the Manning School of Business or in the following disciplines within the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Geology, Mathematics and Statistics, Nutrition and Dietetics, and Physics.

• Awards are made for a single year to entering students. However, any recipient who continues to demonstrate financial need, carries a full course load, and achieves a first-year GPA of 3.50 (i.e., 80%) or more will be deemed to have automatically applied for a second and/or subsequent one-year award from the Spicer-Hennessey Scholar-Bursary. Recipients are eligible to receive funding for a maximum of four years.


External Relations
15 University Avenue
Wolfville, NS, B4P 2R6, Canada
General Inquiries: 902.585.1459
To make a donation: 902.585.1912
Toll Free in North America:
1.866.ACADIA (1.866.222.3428)

Charitable Registration #: 106681893 RR0001