Acadia Fall 2024 course registration scheduled for the Week of May 27th

The Registrar's Office has incorporated the collective feedback and experiences of Acadia students, faculty, and staff and adjusted the 2024 Fall course registration dates to the end of May. This registration period previously took place in late March.

The Fall course selection dates for new and returning students are now May 27 - 31.


May 27 & 28: First-year students

May 29: Fourth- and fifth-year students

May 30: Third-year students

May 31: Second-year

June 3: Grad, Axcess, and EAP students

These dates were updated on April 16, 2024.

The shift widens the window of opportunity for students to discuss their options with advisors and faculty members. System-wise, the timing will also ensure all the data from the most recent academic year is up to date, which is intended to simplify the process.

“Students can expect an improved registration experience this spring,” said Mark Bishop, Registrar. “In the past, undergrads who were signing up for courses with pre-requisites that they were still technically in the process of acquiring in the current term encountered issues. That won’t be an issue come May – the system will already indicate they officially have the required credit.”

Itching to plot your year out now? Use myAcadia Self Service today!

Take advantage of the academic planning tools on myAcadia Self Service. Existing course descriptions and times are already published; information about the new courses is expected to be finalized mid-April. Students can use the self-serve option to populate their fall calendar and make their selections official on registration day with just a few clicks.

Visit the Acadia Registar’s Office site or myAcadia Self Service to learn more.

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