Acadia Holiday Energy Program

It’s time again for the annual Holiday Energy Program. Acadia will implement a campus-wide energy management program over the holidays to conserve energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower costs. Building heating and electrical systems will be optimized to conserve energy aligned with campus closures and occupancy levels.

The success of this ongoing program is in part due to the participation of staff, faculty and students. Please help us save energy and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by implementing the energy conservation checklist below in offices, labs, lounges and residence rooms before leaving for the holiday break.

The Holiday Energy Program is coordinated by Facilities Management, Physical Plant Services and the Acadia Sustainability Office. It is a long-standing initiative on campus that has resulted in significant benefits to the university and our planet. Your participation is much appreciated.

Holiday Energy Savings Checklist:

  • Turn off or unplug all unnecessary electronics and office equipment: computers, monitors, printers, chargers, microwaves, copy & fax machines, water coolers, etc. (Note, many electronics and appliances still use electricity, called vampire power, even when turned off)
  • Empty, defrost and unplug mini-refrigerators.
  • Turn off all lights.
  • Close all windows (interior and exterior).
  • Close curtains or blinds to reduce heat loss through glass.
  • Close the sash on fume hoods.
  • Turn off research equipment when possible.
  • Set thermostat to 64°F/ 18oC when rooms are unoccupied (Please, do not turn off).

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