Acadia Projects Enhance Wildlife Habitat and Education

Acadia University will help Nova Scotians learn more about unique species and their habitats through three projects funded by the province's Habitat Conservation Fund.

The projects are among the 15 announced by the province that will be supported with more than $200,000 from the fund, which is financed by the $3 wildlife habitat stamp on all hunting licences sold in Nova Scotia. One dollar from each stamp is allocated to land acquisition projects.

"With the purchase of one of these stamps, hunters and trappers can help protect the province's wildlife habitats," said Natural Resources Minister John MacDonell. "Since 2001, more than $1 million has been invested in wildlife conservation."

Acadia Projects:

Ecological value of restored and engineered wetlands
Amount Awarded: $6,000.00
The Nova Scotia Eastern Habitat Joint Venture (NS-EHJV) identified wetlands in agricultural landscapes as an area of priority conservation for wildlife species.  The Annapolis Valley has many restored wetlands, but there is limited information on how these wetland benefit wildlife.  Acadia is conducting long-term research on wildlife use of restored wetlands.

Habitat use by en route migratory songbirds in coastal Nova Scotia
Amount Awarded: $20,000.00
Acadia researchers will investigate the habitat requirements of en route migratory songbirds in coastal areas of Nova Scotia. Specifically, Acadia will test how habitat quality of island versus mainland stopover sites influences decisions regarding the continuation of migration. Researchers will focus on two species, Northern Waterthrush (Seiurus noveboracensis) and Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus). Individuals will be tagged at mainland and island sites, and tracked using radio telemetry and a network of tower-mounted automated telemetry receivers.

Irving Botanical Gardens - 'Habitat Heroes' - Children's Ecology Camp
Amount Awarded: $2,700.00
The Acadian Forest Region is an at-risk eco-region that requires conservation stewards. Currently, very little education happens within the public education system surrounding this unique and at-risk region. The 'Habitat Heroes' camp will educate children on the importance of habitat conservation within the Acadian Forest Region using a variety of creative and engaging educational tools.

The Conservation Fund's primary goal is to help projects that protect and enhance wildlife habitats. Projects are funded up to 75 per cent, on a cost-shared basis, to a maximum of $25,000 and up to $50,000 for land acquisition. To be considered, a project must improve habitat, research wildlife habitat, conduct related education programs or purchase land for the benefit of wildlife.

More information on the Conservation Fund and its projects is available at Natural Resources offices or at

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