Acadia students set to dump and run

With summer approaching, Acadia students face the daunting task of cleaning out their rooms and packing up their apartments. With only a few short days between exams and moving it is tempting for students to leave behind items they no longer need. But Acadia students, concerned with environmental issues and community responsibility, have come up with a better way to deal with discarded furniture, clothing and books; it is called the Dump and Run.

Acadia’s Dump and Run will take place at the Acadia Athletics Complex from 9 am - 3 pm on Saturday, April 28 and Sunday, April 29. Reusable items will be sold to generate funds for local not-for-profit groups. This large garage sale is open to the public and aims to divert reusable items from local landfill.

Originating in the United States, the Dump and Run program has been successful at reducing year-end campus waste. With an environmentally friendly and community conscious student body, this unique project fits Acadia's character.

Acadia was the first Canadian school to take on this project, starting in 2001.

To learn more, visit the Dump and Run website.


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