Action at Acadia - Full Week Ahead
Acadia University will be a busy spot this week as the campus celebrates its community and plays host to numerous guests involved in a wide range of events. There is a full week ahead.
Summer General Assembly, Tuesday, June 15
Acadia will hold its Summer General Assembly to mark career milestones and retirement of faculty and staff. All employees are invited to attend at 2:30 p.m. in the Garden Room of the KC Irving Environmental Science Centre. Strawberry shortcake will be served.
Grade 6 Class Trip, Wednesday, June 16
More than 40 Grade 6 students and their chaperones will arrive for a three-day visit to campus as a year-end school trip.
The Fifth Planter Studies Conference, Thursday, June 17
As many as 50 participants are expected to arrive for the four-day conference, which will mark the 250th anniversary of the arrival of the Planters. During the event, a re-creation of an 18th Century Planters settlement will operate on the front lawn of the Beveridge Arts Centre and there will be Planter-related archival materials at the Acadia Art Gallery.
Special Olympics Nova Scotia Provincial Games, Friday, June 18
Special Olympics Nova Scotia returns to Wolfville as Acadia University and the town host the 2010 Provincial Summer Games over the weekend. More than 850 competitors and their coaches will be in residence and using Acadia and community facilities for the games.
International Recruitment Visit, Friday, June 18
Approximately 20 international recruiting staff will be on campus overnight to tour Acadia and gain insights into what campus offers international students.
Adult Learner Celebration, Saturday, June 19
An inaugural ceremony will be held at Acadia's Festival Theatre to recognize the individual achievement of adult learners in Nova Scotia's community learning organizations. As many as 150 participants are expected.
Discovery Quest, Sunday, June 20
Acadia University and Irving Oil are pleased to present the 8th Annual Discovery Quest, a summer institute for Grade 11 students from the Maritime Provinces and New England. Forty students will arrive for a week-long experience-based program designed to foster a desire to learn and contribute to a deeper understanding of themselves and the environment.
For more information:
Visit the links above, or contact Acadia's Office of Events and Hospitality, which has worked with campus and the community to bring these events to campus.
Nicole Phipps
Coordinator, Events & Hospitality
Acadia University
Office: (902) 585-1236
Cell: (902) 680-5637
Fax: (902) 585-1092