Change Makers Series - Meet Dr. Claudine Bonner
Acadia’s Vice-Provost of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion knows everyone can make a difference.
“You just do what you can to make change where you are,” says Dr. Claudine Bonner, adding that it sometimes means getting past your fears and stepping in to do your part.
“Don’t be intimidated by the thought that ‘I have to change the world,’” she advises. “You’re just changing this little thing here, and maybe that will become the ‘big’ thing…but just start here and see what happens.”
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About the Change Makers Series
Acadia’s strategic plan - Acadia 2025: Transforming lives for a transforming world - reinforces that change is inevitable and necessary to carry on the university’s mission to help students learn how to live and thrive in society.
The Change Maker Series highlights Acadia community members who are giving back, inspiring others, and helping shape the future of Acadia, our community, our country, and the world.