Change Maker Series - Meet Dr. Lesley Frank

Dr. Lesley Frank is spearheading change at Acadia University. As the Canada Research Chair in Food, Health, and Social Justice. she is working to address the global problem of family and childhood food insecurity while advancing food justice and health equity in Canada.

An estimated one in eight households in Canada – more than four million Canadians – is food insecure. This harms their physical, mental, and social health. It also adds costs to our healthcare system.

“Food security is an urgent nutrition, health, and social equity problem in Canada. My hope is that we build adequate protections for families to ensure their rights to food are protected," says Frank.



Acadia’s strategic plan - Acadia 2025: Transforming lives for a transforming world - reinforces that change is inevitable and necessary to carry on the university’s mission to help students learn how to live and thrive in society.

The Change Maker Series highlights Acadia community members who are giving back, inspiring others, and helping shape the future of Acadia, our community, our country, and the world.  


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