Important Moodle (formerly ACORN) upgrade and training
An improved LMS is coming April 27th
Learning Technologies and Instructional Design (LTID) and Technology Services (TS) are targeting April 27, 2024 for a required major system upgrade of our learning management system (LMS), Moodle, to version 4.1.
Acadia has been using Moodle as its LMS since 2007, though we’ve been referring to the platform as ACORN (Acadia Courseware Online Resource Network). With this upgrade, we will simply refer to our LMS as “Moodle” going forward. This name change will improve communication, increase support resources, and align us with institutions across North America. The upgrade will also usher in some of the most significant improvements to the LMS to date to the benefit of all faculty, staff, and students.
After the upgrade is completed on April 27th, you can expect the following:
- To see immediate changes to the interface, appearance, and navigation
- None of your course content will be lost. You will not have to take any action to transfer over your course content
- New Moodle web address:, support page:, and support email address:
- All saved ACORN links and addresses will redirect to newly updated Moodle assets - however, they should be updated to reflect the name change
Faculty: Please take a moment to revise your syllabi to ensure that references to the LMS and support resources are updated appropriately.
Many people will find the improved interface to be highly intuitive. That said, our LTID team is here to support your initial introduction to the new Moodle version as well as your ongoing use. In addition to an instructional support site, LTID is offering walkthroughs, training sessions, and one-on-one consultations leading up to the upgrade date and through to the end of September 2024.
Throughout April, priority will be given to continuous intake and intersession course instructors for one-one-one consultations.
Moodle 4.1 Upgrade: Virtual Walkthroughs
Michael Shaw, Instructional Designer, LTID, will host a one-hour virtual workshop on the critical things you need to know about the new Moodle 4.1 version. The session will cover how the interface has changed, what activities have been updated, and tips on dealing with content in your course.
- Friday, April 5 at 9:30 a.m.
- Friday, April 12 at 9:30 a.m.
Moodle 4.1 Upgrade: Hands-on Workshop
LTID is hosting a hands-on workshop (bring your laptop) that goes beyond changes to the user interface to cover more detail on how various activities have changed. This is the perfect opportunity for you to come and try things out in Moodle 4.1 in a supportive environment.
- Wednesday, April 24 at 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the KC Irving Classroom
Moodle 4.1 Upgrade: One-on-One Consultations
Schedule a one-on-one virtual session about the new Moodle 4.1 version with the LTID team at any time. Simply contact and indicate that you want to receive help regarding Moodle 4.1.
Continuous Intake, M.Ed, and Intersessions Students
Students registered in Open Acadia continuous intake, M.Ed., and Intersession (Summer) courses will receive a separate email with a link to a navigation help video. They can also contact for general questions and support.
Additional walkthroughs and workshops will be available in August and September. We will be sharing those dates this summer. In the meantime, you can visit for the latest updates, information, and resources.
We’re excited to bring about this important update and appreciate everyone’s patience and efforts as LTID and TS keep Acadia’s systems current and running smoothly. Additional training dates and information about the upgrade will be shared through the email.