Ogilvie Joins the Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame
Renowned Canadian engineer and scientists join the forty-eight scientists and innovators who have been inducted into the Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame. This year’s inductees are Senator Kelvin Kenneth Ogilvie, an expert and pioneer in biotechnology and genetic engineering, Dr. Sidney van den Bergh one of Canada’s leading astronomers, and Dr. Gerald G. Hatch, P.Eng., founder of Hatch Associates, one of the world’s leading private engineering companies.
The Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame honors individuals whose outstanding scientific or technological achievements have made a significant contribution to Canadian society.
“Since its creation in 1991, the Hall of Fame has been known for the high calibre of its membership, and has served as a reminder to all young Canadians of the possibility of conducting exceptional scientific and engineering research in this country,” said Denise Amyot, President and CEO of the Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation. “The achievements of these individuals have been so remarkable, and their contribution to society so great, the Museum wants all Canadians to be aware of their accomplishments.”
The presentation of this year’s Hall of Fame new inductees has been made in collaboration with Engineers Canada. "We are very proud of our association with the Canadian Science and Technology Museum and are pleased to support the induction ceremony of the Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame" said Chantal Guay, ing., P.Eng., M.Env., chief executive officer of Engineers Canada.
The induction ceremony took place during an evening reception at the 2011 Canada Science Policy Conference held at the Ottawa Convention Centre on November 17, 2011
Learn more about Senator Ogilvie and watch his video interview.
Sharing Canada’s rich collections of objects related to transportation, natural resources, communications, space, energy, manufacturing and industry, the Canada Science and Technology Museum helps Canadians explore the rich connections between science, technology, and culture.
General information: Visit sciencetech.technomuses.ca or call (613) 991-3044.
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