All donors who confirm a legacy gift to Acadia gain membership in the 1838 Society – a special group of benevolent and farsighted individuals committed to Acadia’s mission and future.
The society honours those who have informed us of their intention to include Acadia in their estate plans through a bequest, life insurance policy, or other gift arrangement. Informing Acadia of your planned gift will ensure proper documentation of your plans and how the funds are to be administered in the future. Having clarity on the scope and purpose of your gift will help us ensure we bring your wishes to life once the time comes.
Your name will be recognized on this page – unless you wish to remain anonymous–and you will receive invitations to recognition events in honour of both future and actualized estate donors.
Thank you for considering such a meaningful and significant philanthropic commitment to Acadia. Every gift matters.
Thank you!
External Relations15 University AvenueWolfville, NS, B4P 2R6CanadaGeneral Inquiries: 902.585.1026To make a donation: 902.585.1912Toll free in North America: 1.866.ACADIAU (1.866.222.3428)
Charitable Registration Number 106681893 RR0001