Scholarships & Financial Assistance
With education costs on the rise, enhancing student assistance is a top priority for Acadia. Each year, we award more than $4 million to students in the form of scholarships, scholar-bursaries, bursaries, awards, and prizes. By maintaining a strong scholarship and financial assistance program, we are able to attract, retain and support our students.
As a donor to scholarships and financial assistance, you can direct your gift toward: general award funds or awards for specific departments, faculties, research, or athletic teams; any existing named awards; or you can create a personal legacy by establishing a named award yourself. By supporting scholarships and financial assistance, you can help to ensure access to all of the rewards of an Acadia education.
If you would like to give generally to the Scholarships and Financial Aid, please click here.
School of Music Memorial Bursary
Bursary | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Music, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year
The School of Music Memorial Bursary is awarded annually on the recommendation of the Director of the School of Music to a needy student in the Bachelor of Music degree program. The bursary is made possible through the gifts received in memory of Fontaine Chan, a senior music student who died tragically in an automobile accident in 1993, from funds received from the Estate of Eleanor Mary Sears in honour of her mother, Isabella Bill Sears (Seminary 1893), the estate of Mrs. Harriett E. Isnor and the estate of McGrigor Allan Miller in memory of his wife Vera L. (Knock) Miller.
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Sheldon and Marjorie Fountain Scholarships
Scholarship | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Business Administration, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year, Entering first year
The Sheldon and Marjorie Fountain Scholarships are awarded annually to students registered in the Bachelor of Business Administration program who have been residents of the Atlantic provinces for a minimum of ten years. Scholars are selected on the basis of academic performance with a preference for students with demonstrated financial need. The scholarships may be renewed at the discretion of the Scholarships, Prizes and Awards Committee. These scholarships are made possible though a gift from Sheldon (BA, Acadia, ‘39, DCL, Acadia, ‘99) and Marjorie Fountain (DCT, Acadia ‘99) of Halifax, Nova Scotia.
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Shelley Brownell Memorial Music Award
Award | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Music, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year
The Shelley Brownell Memorial Music Award is provided annually to a student who is pursuing a Bachelor of Music degree with a concentration in Music Education. Preference will be given to an individual who demonstrates financial need. The award is made on recommendation of the Director of the School of Music. The award was established by family, classmates and friends of Shelley Brownell who graduated from Acadia posthumously in 1986 with a Bachelor of Music degree.
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Shirley Blois Scholarship in Early Music
Scholarship | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Music, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year
The Shirley Blois Scholarship in Early Music was endowed by Shirley Blois Lindsay (L.Mus.,B.Mus.Acadia (’34-’38)) and her husband, James. After graduating from Acadia, Mrs. Lindsay was awarded a fellowship at the Juilliard Graduate School and later became the Director of the Diller-Quaile School of Music in New York City. The award is made each year to a student of high standing studying in the Early Music Program and majoring in harpsicord or fortepiano. The income from the endowment may also be used, at the discretion of the Director of the School of Music, in support of the student String Quartet program or to purchase library resources in support of the Early Music Program. The scholarship may be awarded to an entering or continuing student and may be renewed to the current recipient at the discretion of the School of Music.
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South Sudan Student Bursary
Bursary | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Business Administration, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year, Entering first year
The South Sudan Student Bursary will be awarded annually to students from the South Sudan region of Africa, who have demonstrated superior ability and good qualities of leadership & character, who are entering or returning to a degree program in the School of Business at Acadia University. Preference will be given to the “lost boys of Sudan.” Selection will be made on the basis of financial need. Each student applicant will be required to complete an application and provide a resume outlining his or her extracurricular activities, leadership qualities and community involvement.The bursary was established in 2007.
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Stanley Ellis MacKenzie Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Education, Current 1st year
The Stanley Ellis MacKenzie Memorial Scholarship was established by his wife, Sarah Isabel MacWalker MacKenzie (Acadia '40) and his children. It is awarded on recommendation of the Faculty of the School of Education to a superior student entering year two of the Bachelor of Education program. Mr. MacKenzie (B.A., M.A., Acadia, '37, '40; Prof. dipl., Educ. Adm., T.C. Columbia U. '48) was Governor General's medallist in 1937 and did postgraduate work at Yale and Columbia. He dedicated his life to teaching and educational administration.
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Stevenson Family Award
Award of up to $2,000 | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Business Administration, Current 4th year
The Stevenson Family Award. Established in 2008 by Andrew Stevenson (BBA 1981) in honour of the Stevenson Family. To be awarded annually to a fourth-year student in the Bachelor of Business Administration program on recommendation of the Director of the School of Business with consultation from Faculty in the School. The recipient will have demonstrated entrepreneurship and will have expressed the intention and motivation to go into business.
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Sully Ashfield and Barbara Bill Ashfield Fund
Award | Eligibility: Arts, Athletics, Professional Studies, Pure and Applied Science, Aboriginal and/or African Nova Scotian
Established in 2012 through a generous gift from the Estate of Barbara Cameron Ashfield, the Fund provides support for student awards at Acadia University. Specifically, disbursements from the Ashfield Fund are divided evenly between general, athletic, and special (i.e. Nova Scotia aboriginal and African) student awards.
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