Do you have a valuable collection of books or memorabilia? Are you able to donate equipment or other supplies that Acadia could use? If so, you could make a gift-in-kind donation.
A gift-in-kind is a non-cash donation and includes items such as personal effects, artwork and real estate.
Acadia will gladly accept any gifts-in-kind for which there is a use on campus. Once the gift is appraised, a donation receipt will be issued for the fair market value of the gift.
Typical gifts of property to Acadia include:
If you are considering a gift to Acadia University, we strongly recommend that you seek professional financial and legal advice that takes into account your unique circumstances. We also urge you to discuss your gift with a University official prior to finalizing the details of your gift arrangement. You can also review our Gifts-In-Kind Policy (PDF) for more information.
External Relations15 University AvenueWolfville, NS, B4P 2R6, CanadaGeneral Inquiries: 902.585.1459To make a donation: 902.585.1912Toll Free in North America:1.866.ACADIA (1.866.222.3428)acadia.alumni@acadiau.caCharitable Registration #: 106681893 RR0001