Payment Methods


Via our link to the Moneris Donation website.


If you prefer to make a donation by phone or by credit card and speak directly with a representative, please call us at 902-585-1876 or toll-free in North America at 866-222-3428


Download our printable gift form and send the completed form by mail or fax to:

Mailing Address:
15 University Ave
Wolfville, NS
B4P 2R6

Fax Number:

Payroll Deduction

If you are an Acadia Faculty or Staff member and would like to donate bi-weekly or monthly by payroll deduction, please download and mail or fax us the completed form.

Stocks & Securities

Publicly traded securities include shares, bonds, bills, warrants and futures that are traded on Canadian and most foreign stock exchanges. Donations of publicly traded securities to a registered charity are exempt of the capital gains tax. Acadia University's Development staff would be pleased to provide step-by-step guidelines to assist you with your gift of publicly-listed securities.

If you are considering a gift to Acadia University, we strongly recommend that you seek professional financial and legal advice that takes into account your unique circumstances. We also urge you to discuss your gift with a University official prior to finalizing the details of your gift arrangement. Click here to make a donation of shares!


External Relations
15 University Avenue
Wolfville, NS, B4P 2R6, Canada
General Inquiries: 902.585.1459
To make a donation: 902.585.1912
Toll Free in North America:
1.866.ACADIA (1.866.222.3428)

Charitable Registration #: 106681893 RR0001