Each year, the Acadia University English Language Centre (ELC) welcomes international students to campus to learn English and discover Canadian culture. Many students choose to immerse themselves in Canadian culture by living with a Homestay Host.
We welcome Homestay Hosts from all walks of life—whether you are single, a couple, retired, or part of a young family, your home could be the perfect place for an international student to experience Canadian culture. Every family situation is unique, and our program values the diversity and warmth that each host brings. What matters most is a curiosity about other cultures and a supportive and welcoming spirit. Hosting periods range from 3 to 12 months starting at various times throughout the year, offering flexibility to fit your schedule.
Read more about being a Homestay Family in our Homestay Family Manual handbook (PDF).Interested? Contact us at elc@acadiau.ca for more details!
English Language CentrePO Box 120, 26 Crowell Dr, Acadia UniversityWolfville, Nova Scotia, B4P 2R6elc@acadiau.ca