BACTalk. Lost Hero: The Afterlife of an Egyptian Revolutionary

February 17, 2023 (12:30 pm)

Location: BAC 325

BAC Talk "Lost Hero: The Afterlife of an Egyptian Revolutionary" by Jamie Whidden

We live in an age of fallen heroes. Saad Zaghloul (1859-1927) was the George Washington or Sir John A of Egypt, worshipped during his lifetime and honoured after his death for his leadership of the national movement for independence. After the military-led revolution of 1952 he fell (metaphorically) from favour, was removed from school curriculums, and memorials and monuments to him were reduced to relics. Professor Whidden's research follows Zaghloul as a site of national memory, from adulation to official disgrace, and his strange rehabilitation during and after revolution of 2011.

Coffee, tea, and light snacks will be served!

Made possible by the generous support of the Harrison McCain Foundation, the Faculty of Arts, and the Office of Research and Graduate Studies.

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