Draw the Line Against Transphobic Violence — webinar

November 15, 2022 (2:00 pm - 3:30 pm)

Location: Online

Join the Acadia campus community (anonymously), for Draw the Line Against Transphobic Violence, a free, 90-minute, instructor-led webinar that will help participants recognize and intervene in these harmful dynamics, and build skills for fostering cultures of consent, gender inclusion, and healthier relationships overall.  

This session is designed for educators, administrators, staff, and students in both secondary and post-secondary schools.

Please note that having a foundational understanding of trans identities and gender diversity prior to the webinar is recommended. Visit Egale's website to brush up on basic concepts.

Egale’s recent report, “Still in Every Class in Every School”, revealed that homophobia, biphobia and transphobia remain rampant in Canadian schools (Peter et al., 2021). The study confirms that school conditions are particularly troubling for trans and nonbinary students, who were also the group most likely to report experiencing almost all forms of victimization, including verbal, physical and sexual harassment.

59% of trans respondents had been targets of mean rumours or lies, and 79% of trans students who had been the victims of physical harassment reported that teachers and staff were ineffective in addressing transphobic harassment.

Register Now

Register online (November 15 webinar)

Register online (December 1 webinar)


Email Polly Leonard, Acadia's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer at polly.leonard@acadiau.ca or equity@acadiau.ca

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