Canada Research Chairs at Acadia University

Canada Research Chairs (CRCs) are critical in making Canada a global leader in research and development. All CRCs at Acadia are selected through a competitive external peer-review process. The national re-allocation process is conducted every two years, and is based on research grant funding received from the three federal granting agencies (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC) in the three previous years. The Program is central to developing capacity associated with our Strategic Research Plan theme areas:

  • Climate Change and Sustainable Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems
  • Agriculture, Agri-Food, and Biotechnology
  • Health and Wellness
  • Bridging History, Culture, and Society
  • AI and Data Analytics



  • Dr. Michael Stokesbury - Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Ecology of Coastal Environments
  • Dr. Brenda Trofanenko - Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Education, Culture and Community
  • Dr. Nelson O'Driscoll - Tier 2 Environmental Biogeochemistry

*Please see the CRC utilization spreadsheet (March 2023) for more information on Acadia Chair Allocations

Acadia CRC Equity Target Setting Plan 2021-2029

Management of Canada Research Chairs at Acadia


Internal - There are no active postings for Canada Research Chair positions at Acadia.


Tier 2 Canada Research Chair: AGRI-Food and Sustainable Agriculture (February 2021)

Tier 2 Canada Research Chair: Healthy Inclusive Communities (December 2019)

Tier 2 Canada Research Chair: Food, Health and Social Justice (February 2019)


Acadia University is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion within its research enterprise, including at each stage of planning for recruiting, hiring and retaining Canada Research Chairs. This includes the “removal of systemic barriers and biases, and the practice of inclusivity, so that all individuals have equal access to and benefit from the CRC program.” The Canada Research Chair Program defines diversity as “differences in race, colour, place of origin, religion, immigrant status, Indigenous status, ethnic origin, ability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and age.” Acadia University will ensure the inclusion of all individuals, including those from the program's four designated groups (FDGS): women, visible minorities, persons with disabilities, and Indigenous peoples.

Learn more about the CRC’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Practices

2019 Addendum to the 2006 Canadian Human Rights Settlement Agreement

CRC Program Representation Statistics (2023)

CRC Population based Institutional Equity Targets 2021-2029


All participating CRC institutions must set equity and diversity targets to address the under-representation of members of the four designated groups among their chair-holders. The CRC program uses this data to monitor the institutions’ progress toward meeting their established targets.

Acadia’s 2022 CRC equity targets are indicated in the PDF below. These targets are calculated using the CRC program target setting tool. Because there are fewer than 5 CRC positions at Acadia, current gap numbers cannot be communicated and are withheld to protect the privacy of our Chairs.

Acadia 2022 EDI Targets & Gaps


This updated EDI Action Plan, and the objectives, barriers, actions and progress indicators there in, was developed with the knowledge, experience and support of Acadia’s CRC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan (EDIAP) Working Group. The Working Group includes Acadia faculty representation from each of the four designated groups, the Associate Vice-President of Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies (Chair), the Acadia University Faculty Association President, Acadia’s Equity Officer, the Chair of the Senate Ad Hoc Diversity and Inclusion Committee, and Research Office project staff. In the development of this Action Plan, the working group examined information collected from an Environmental Scan, Employment Systems Review, and a CRC Comparative Review. The EDI Action Plan has been approved by the Provost & Vice-President (Academic).

Acadia's CRC Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan (Updated June 2021)

CRC EDI Progress Reports

Acadia's CRC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan Progress Report (2022)

Acadia's CRC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan Progress Report (2021)

Acadia's CRC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan Progress Report (2019 & 2020)

Acadia’s CRC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan Progress Report (December 2018)


To raise institutional awareness of Acadia’s commitment to fostering and maintaining an equitable, diverse and inclusive research culture, particularly with regards to the CRC program, the institution has implemented a communications strategy detailed below:

  • Promote Acadia University’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan to faculty and staff
  • Notify faculty and staff of major updates to the CRC webpage on the RIGS website via institutional email lists
  • Develop and distribute an annual update on institutional progress towards meeting the objectives of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan, to be posted on the RIGS website

*This communications strategy may be revised and updated as needed.

In addition, equity training is offered annually to all faculty and staff with the intention of raising awareness and providing strategies for fostering an equitable, diverse and inclusive research environment on campus.

Concerns Received Within the CRC Recruitment Process:

Any EDI concerns raised or received during the recruitment process at Acadia will be monitored, addressed and reported by way of the Associate Vice-President of Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies. Each step of the recruitment process is monitored and approved by the Associate Vice-President of Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies before moving forward to the next step. Any concerns raised or received will be handled within this process.


Acadia's Policy Against Harassment & Discrimination

Violence Prevention in the Workplace

Conflict of Interest Policy

Acadia University Faculty Association (AUFA), 16th Collective Agreement


Requirements for Recruiting & Nominating Canada Research Chairs

Information on how Acadia Manages its Research Chairs (See pages 16-19).

When Chair vacancies occur, the committee described above issues a university-wide call for CRC themes. Faculty are invited to submit proposals (up to 5 pages) for Chair positions in specific theme areas and research disciplines. The committee reviews and evaluates these submissions based on their fit with the Acadia University Strategic Research Plan, institutional priorities, and planning in the academic sector. Based on these principles, the committee also decides on how best to use the corridor of flexibility in managing the institution’s chair allocations.


*There are none at this time


Contact Information for Questions About the Acadia CRC Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Plan:

Dr. Kate Ashley, Associate Vice-President Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies (Interim)

Horton Hall
18 University Avenue
Acadia University
Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6

Tel: 902-585-1787

University faculty may address concerns about equity, and inclusion to the University's Equity Officer (Polly Leonard) and/or to the Acadia University Faculty Association.
(902) 585-1422

Acadia University's Provost & Vice-President Academic (PVPA) is responsible for implementing the institution’s equity, diversity and inclusion agenda. Concerns related to equity, diversity and inclusion within the institution outside of the CRC recruitment process should be made by contacting the PVPA (contact information below). The PVPA is responsible for monitoring these concerns and making sure they are addressed in a reasonable time frame.

Dr. Ashlee Cunsolo, Provost & Vice-President Academic

Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic
15 University Avenue
Acadia University
Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6

Tel: (902) 585-1357



If a complaint is received from a current faculty member within the Acadia University Faculty Association (AUFA) and related specifically to the collective agreement (Article 18), then that complaint is filed using the usual grievance process and dealt with through the appropriate channels. If the complaint is unrelated to the collective agreement, individual members may submit a complaint in writing to the Provost and VP Academic, with copy to the AUFA. The Provost/VPA will provide a written response within 30 calendar days, with copy to the AUFA in those cases where it was copied on the original complaint. In preparing responses related to equity concerns, the Provost and VP Academic consults with the Acadia Department of Human Resources, the Acadia Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer, and (if necessary) the President.

Equity related complaints submitted to the University by an external party (e.g, an applicant) will undergo the same process as above, however, responses will not involve the AUFA. Equity, diversity and inclusion concerns can also be submitted directly to Acadia’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Polly Leonard (, who is responsible for monitoring and addressing these concerns.


The Research, Innovation, and Graduate Studies Office is responsible for administering Acadia University's CRCs. If you have questions about the CRC program please contact:

Dr. Peter Ludlow, Director Research Grants & Programs
Horton Hall, 18 University Avenue
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, B4P 2R6

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