Senate Research Committee
Acadia University's Senate Research committee advocates for research and considers the development and application of research policy. The committee represents a variety of constituencies by including members from all faculties, research administrators, students, and librarians.
The duties of the Senate Research Committee shall be:
- to develop policies and programs that encourage and support faculty, graduate, and undergraduate research at Acadia University
- to establish and oversee the adjudication process for Acadia University's internal research funds, excluding the University Research Fund (Article 25.55)
- to establish, propose to Senate for approval and subsequently to implement a consultative process for regular reviews of the Acadia University Strategic Research Plan
- to encourage and facilitate interaction among Acadia's researchers, community members, community organizations, government and industry in order to expand and enhance research collaboration and dissemination
- to consider and respond to research matters referred to it by graduate students, faculty members, Departments, Schools, Faculties, the VP Academic or by the Senate of Acadia University
- to receive the annual reports of Research Centres for submission to Senate
- to consider any other matters of policy relating to research, and any other matters referred to it by Faculty, Vice-President (Academic), Senate, or Board of Governors
The membership of the Senate Research Committee shall be as follows:
- Chair - Associate Vice-President Research, Innovation & Graduate Studies: Dr. Suzie Currie
- One Faculty member of the Faculty of Arts, elected in accordance with Article VI.1
- One Faculty member the Faculty of Professional Studies, elected in accordance with Article VI.1
- One Faculty member of the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, elected in accordance with Article VI.1
- One Faculty member of the Faculty of Theology, elected in accordance with Article VI.1
- One Canada Research Chair elected by the Canada Research Chairs
- One graduate student elected by the Acadia University Graduate Student Association
- One undergraduate student engaged in research and appointed by the ASU
- One Director of a research centre chosen by the Directors
- One professional librarian elected by members of the University Community holding appointments as professional librarians
Please Click for a PDF listing the 2023-2024 Senate Committee Members
Procedures for Appointment:
Chair: Associate Vice-President Research, Innovation & Graduate Studies: Dr. Suzie Currie
- Faculty: Nominated and elected within each Faculty
- Canada Research Chair: Elected by the Canada Research Chairs
- Graduate Student: Elected by the Acadia Graduate Students Association
- Undergraduate Student: engaged in research, appointed under the aegis of the Students' Representative Council.
- Research Centre Director: chosen by the Directors
- Professional Librarian: elected by professional librarians at Acadia University
Strategic Plan
Strategic Research Plan (PDF)
The Division of Research, Innovation, and Graduate Studies is responsible for administering Acadia University's CRCP. If you have questions about the CRCP, please contact:
Dr. Suzie Currie, Associate Vice-President Research, Innovation, and Graduate Studies (Interim)
Horton Hall, 18 University Avenue
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, B4P 2R6