Accessible Learning Services

Faculty Resources

We are committed to working closely with faculty and other administrators regarding various aspects of accessibility, both inside and outside the classroom.

This page provides resources for supporting students with disabilities, including information on accommodations, how to improve accessibility within course material, and frequently asked questions. We can serve as a resource as you work to incorporate Universal Design for Learning principles and promote inclusivity in your classroom.

Our team is here to support you if you have questions about your role in implementing a student’s accommodations.

Confirmation of accommodations

  • You will receive a list of students with accommodations in your courses at the beginning of the semester
  • Students may or may not use all of their accommodations indicated on the list
  • Please be aware of student accommodations and implement student accommodations when students request to use them

Testing Accommodations

Extra time and alternative writing locations for tests/exams

  • Students can choose to write with Accessible learning Services instead of in-class, while some choose not to.
  • Students need to request to write test/exam with Accessible Learning Services to receive extra time accommodations; otherwise, assumed that they are writing in class with no accommodations
  • Receiving extra time in class is only permitted if an agreement is established with their professor. This is at your discretion, and it is not a requirement.
  • All tests will be proctored to ensure students uphold academic integrity
  • You will receive a list of students (if any) writing with Accessible Learning Services from our office prior to the testing date.

Student responsibilities:

  • Submit midterm request to write with Accessible Learning Services at least 7 days prior to the midterm

Professor responsibilities:

  • You must give direct instructions about the test, such as the format and duration of the test, material permitted, etc. We encourage at least 24 hours of notice.
  • Adjust the time limit on the test according to students’ extra time accommodation if the test is an online test on Moodle.

Cue/formula sheets

  • A cue sheet is a document containing information that serves as “triggers” to help a student to recollect previously learned information. Cue sheets may include: acronyms, names, dates, key terms, word lists, short phrases, definitions, pictures, diagrams, Tables, charts etc.
  • A formula sheet is a document containing formulae that are expressed using symbols, figures, or both.
  • The guidelines for cue/formula sheets are provided to students.

Student responsibilities:

  • Students must submit their cue/formula sheet to you for review, approval, and signature at least 7 days in advance of the exam/test/midterm.
  • Students are responsible for bringing in their signed cue sheet, as our office does not have capacity to print cue sheets for students.
  • Students should make sure their cue sheet is legible. If an instructor cannot read a cue sheet due to font size or spacing, etc., it may require revision or not be approved.

Professor responsibilities:

Cue sheets are approved by professors (for students with this approved accommodation).


  • Cue sheets must be approved in advance by the course professor (we recommend a week’s notice, unless a different minimum time is noted by the professor), before it can be used on an accommodated test. Approval is shown by the cue sheet signed by the professor.
  • If a student does not provide their cue sheet to their professor in advance (by the recommended or agreed upon deadline), the professor may refuse the approval of the sheet. The professor is not required to review or approve the memory aid if it is not provided in advance.
  • All cue sheets used for the test will be collected and submitted with the written midterm or exam.


  • A cue sheet is one sheet of 8.5 x 11" paper (front and back) that may include: acronyms, dates, key terms, short phrases, pictures, diagrams, tables, charts, and more as specified in our guidelines.
  • If a professor indicates that some of the above are considered essential outcomes in the midterm/exam, the student will not be permitted to include those items on their sheet. The cue sheet should not include essential learning outcomes.
  • If there is anything that the professor does not approve of, students will make the needed changes and resubmit the updated sheet for review by the professor.
  • If a student uses an unauthorized cue sheet, the professor will be made aware, and the professor will decide if it is a breach of academic integrity.

Readers and Scribes

  • A proctor will read and/or scribe for the student during a test/exam.
  • A proctor will not interpret questions or student answers when reading or scribing.

Student responsibilities:

  • Students are to inform Accessible Learning Services if they require a reader or scribe for their test

Professor responsibilities:

  • None; it is coordinated by Accessible Learning Services

Laptops in tests and exams

Should a student require the use of a laptop for paper-based short/long answer or essay-type questions, they are required to shut their internet off and close all programs except for Microsoft Word.

For Moodle tests, students are required to have all programs closed except for the window with Moodle open.

Professor responsibilities:

  • None; it is coordinated by Accessible Learning Services.

Oral testing

Students may have an accommodation recommending they complete tests orally, instead of written, to evaluate their knowledge.

Student responsibilities:

  • Students are to contact you to coordinate a time that works for both parties for evaluation.

Professor responsibilities:

  • Communicate with students directly on the time of oral testing and expectations.

Testing deferrals/rescheduling

Students may experience episodic health challenges, learning challenges, religious observances, family responsibilities, and/or other matters making it difficult to write an exam on the scheduled date. While students are encouraged to inform their professor with advanced notice, this will not always be possible.

Testing deferrals support students by providing an alternate date for a quiz/test/exam.

Student responsibilities:

  • The student should consult with you to determine an alternate date, which may include a make-up exam date if that is already being planned.

Professor responsibilities:

  • Communicate with students directly to determine an alternate date.
  • Inform Accessible Learning Services of the approval and alternate testing date by emailing us directly or copying us in the email communication with the student.
  • In the rare occasion a deferral is not reasonable, alternative options may be provided where appropriate, such as:
    • Adding the weight of the assessment to the final exam
    • Re-weighting remaining assignments
    • Allowing the student to make up the percentage of the test by submitting an additional paper, project, or report instead
    • Dropping assessments with low impact/low percentage (e.g., the lowest 2 of 5 grades)

One exam per day

Students may have an accommodation of writing one exam per day.

Student responsibilities:

  • The student should consult with you and/or Accessible Learning Services to determine an alternate date if there is a conflict.

Professor responsibilities:

  • You should inform Accessible Learning Services of the approval and alternate date by emailing us directly or by copying us in the email communication with the student.

Class Accommodations

Recorded lectures

  • Audio recording is permitted solely for the academic purposes of individual students.
  • Students are not permitted to post or in any way make public recordings of parts thereof without your explicit permission as their professor.
  • Any lecture recordings are expected to be deleted at the end of the course.
  • If a class is having a discussion, or discussing personal/private information, the student is expected to not record, and you have the right to deny recording of the discussion.

Student responsibilities:

  • Students are responsible for recording lectures (in class or online) and must ask for permission first.

Professor responsibilities:

  • Give permission to students to record when asked.
  • Communicate with the student when recording in class is not appropriate and contact Accessible Learning Services for alternative support.

Alternate ways of presenting and participating in class

  • Students may experience learning challenges and health challenges that make it difficult for them to present or participate in front of class.

Professor responsibilities:

  • Communicate directly with students on an alternative option.
  • Alternative options may be provided such as:
    • Presenting or participating in an activity with you individually or in front of a smaller group
    • Allowing the student to do a written assignment/report instead
    • Moving the weight of presentation to the test/exam/assignment
  • Should presentation/participation be an essential outcome of the course, please contact Accessible Learning Service.

Lecture notes/slides in advance

This supports students by giving them access to lectures notes/slides in advance to feel prepared and less overwhelmed.

Student responsibilities:

  • Students are responsible to coordinate with you to establish an expectation for both parties.

Professor responsibilities:

  • Provide students with lecture notes/slides in advance of the class.
  • If lectures notes/slides in advance is not always possible, please direct the student to us for alternative support.


Extensions on deadlines

All students registered with Accessible Learning Services have the recommended accommodation of extra time on assignments. However, this is not automatically added to their assignments.

We encourage students to stay on their deadlines, but that is not always possible due to learning and/or health challenges.

Student responsibilities:

  • Students are responsible to notify you directly if they require an extension, and work with you to determine an appropriate new deadline.

Professor responsibilities:

  • Communicate with students to establish a new due deadline when students ask for an extension.
  • If you notice a student is struggling in any aspect of your course, we have several areas of support for students.

Forgiveness of spelling errors

Marks should not be deducted for incorrect spelling or grammar on assignments and tests, unless spelling is an expected learning outcome of the course (e.g. language-based course).

Professor responsibilities:

  • Focus on the content of the work and will not deduct marks for spelling and grammatical errors, when marking the assessment
  • Should spelling be an expected learning outcome of the course, please contact Accessible Learning Services

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a student register with Accessible Learning?

The registration process begins by setting up an appointment via and can be completed at any point in the semester/year of study. All accommodations are set based on the assessed needs in their documentation.

What types of accommodations can I expect to see?

While some accommodations may be more common than others each student will have their accommodations set individually. Examples of previous accommodations include: a Note taker, recorded lectures, additional time on assessments (x1.5 or x2), reader and/or scribe during tests, completing assessments in an alternative space, access to lecture notes before or after lectures. While these are more common, these examples do not capture the full breadth of different accommodations that you may see.

What is the difference between a permanent accommodation and temporary accommodations?

A student may receive accommodations on a temporary basis due to a medical reason with an anticipated recovery (surgery, concussion, broken bone, etc). A student may also be given temporary accommodations until we are able to receive up-to-date documentation that supports permanent accommodations. Permanent accommodations are set once we have documentation from a Medical Professional outlining the accommodations needed to best support the student.

What is the process for students writing tests at Rhodes Hall?
  1. The student emails Accessible Learning Services to notify us of the scheduled test time at least one week prior.
  2. The Exam Coordinator will email each professor the list of students in their course writing in Rhodes Hall and request a copy of the test and instructions to be sent to no later than 24 hours before the test is scheduled. We are currently asking all professors to email us an electronic version of the test, unless otherwise specified by the Exam Coordinator.
  3. All tests written with Accessible Learning will be proctored. If the test is on Moodle, students are expected to show the proctor they have submitted the test before leaving the testing space.
  4. The Exam Coordinator will email you when the tests are ready to be picked up at Accessible Learning Services. We can also send tests back to you electronically or through interdepartmental mail.
I see that a student is struggling in my class, but they are not registered with Accessible Learning. How can I refer them to Accessible Learning Services?

Academic performance should always be address confidentially. If you believe a student may benefit from our services, please let them know privately through email or in a meeting. Should they be ineligible for accommodations we may be able to provide academic supports or referrals.

Am I able to talk to other professors regarding additional accommodations for my student?

Academic performance should always be addressed confidentially. If you believe a student may benefit from our services, please let them know privately through email or in a meeting. Should they be ineligible for accommodations we may be able to provide academic supports or referrals.

Other Resources

Making Your Website Accessible (
These tips from the Acadia HUB article can be applied when creating your Moodle page.

Guideline on Accommodating Students with Disabilities in Post-Secondary Institutions
A helpful resource developed by the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission.

Supporting Students with Disabilities | Introduction (
Additional insight into supporting students with disabilities.

Creating a Culture of Accessibility in the Sciences
This book provides research based evidence and advice on integrating students with disabilities into the STEM fields.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is considered a gold standard for curriculum development. The focus on developing content that is accessible for all is a great way to ensure you don’t need to adapt your course design at a later date.

UDL At A Glance - YouTube
Check out this short video on UDL for ways to make assessments within your class more accessible.

Making Science Labs Accessible to Students with Disabilities
An article on applying universal design to a science lab setting.