Acadia Athletics, the Acadia Alumni Association, and Student Life are proud to offer an opportunity to engage students in sport, recreation, and fitness during the school year. The aim of sport and recreation for students for Campus 2023-2024 is to:
Learn more about the available sport, recreation, and fitness opportunities below.
Check us out at our new Instagram location @AcadiaFitnessandIntramurals
Join us in War Memorial Gymnasium for Fitness Bootcamps lead by a Virtual Instructor from the fitness professionals at Evolve Fitness. Evolve Fitness is based out of Halifax and turned to running online bootcamps when the pandemic first closed their in-person facility. The one-hour bootcamps offer both live and pre-recorded options.
Individuals are welcome to bring their own yoga mat or resistance bands (there will be no weights). We ask you wear clean sneakers that will not harm or leave markings on the floor. Participants must bring their own sweat towel and water bottle (already filled - water fountains are not available). This Bootcamp will be lead by a virtual instructor through EVOLVE FITNESS in War Memorial Gymnasium. Participants should arrive 5 minutes prior through the main AAC doors marked Fitness Centre, Raymond Field, War Memorial Gym to be checked in by staff. Boot Camp will begin at posted time.
All time-slots are preregistered through:
For instructions on how to use the online registration system and for important facility instructional videos, visit:
Students are able to attend drop-in recreation times for unstructured play and kick-arounds. Drop-in recreation is available on Raymond Field, War Memorial Gymnasium and Andrew H. McCain Arena (student skate and student shinny).
View the schedule:
Mondays 9:45-11:30pm BasketballTuesdays 9:45-11:30pm Indoor SoccerWednesdays 9:45-11:30pm DodgeballThursdays 9:45-11:30pm Basketball.
More information to follow about our LUG Basketball and Hockey Leagues.
Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays will offer students exciting one-night only recreation events. The aim of these events are to be fun, inclusive, and standalone events. This could be a one-night tournament, a special fitness class, or an out-of-the box activity night for students. Pre-registration is often but not always required.
Contact us at
Time has been set aside in the facility schedule for student groups, programs, and residences to access directed programming. These activities are all about team bonding, and to support physical and mental wellness for students. Please contact for more information.