Disturbance in Cutten House, 14 January 2023

At 1:08 a.m. on Saturday, January 14, 2023, Acadia University issued a security alert to the campus community regarding a police incident in Cutten House involving reports of a non-student visitor flashing a gun.

Cutten House residents were advised to return to or remain in their rooms. Those not at home in the residence at the time were asked not to return until further notice.

At 3:38 a.m. the RCMP issued an “all clear” at which time Acadia’s Safety and Security team lifted the lockdown.

There were no injuries and there is no known threat at this time. The University is grateful to staff and first responders who managed the incident swiftly.

The Department of Safety and Security and Acadia’s Residence and Student Life team are engaged with the RCMP to further investigate the incident.

Anyone with information pertaining to the incident is asked to contact Safety and Security by calling (902) 585-1103, dialing 88 from an on-campus phone, or emailing security@acadiau.ca.

Students seeking emotional support are encouraged to contact the Counselling Centre. Staff can access the Employee Assistance Program.

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