Giving News

Mabel Young (’63) has devoted her life to music and supporting students’ dreams. As a new Acadia music student in 1960, she was delighted that piano instruction would be included in her tuition. Later, a fellow student in her residence introduced her to playing the organ, which became a lifelong passion. Now retired from a long and rewarding career as a counsellor and educator, Mabel continues to encourage students.

The ripple effect of gifts from the Harrison McCain Foundation to Acadia University will be felt far into the future. Just as alumnus Harrison McCain (’49) made a transformative mark on Acadia’s student government, the Harrison McCain Foundation is effecting lasting change by amplifying opportunities for world-class research and improving access for talented students.

Margaret Hopkins, who is completing an Honours degree in Mathematics and Statistics and a Bachelor of Music at Acadia, is the 2021 recipient of the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Award for her scholarly work, “Control Freak: Power dynamics and subversion in Barbara Hannigan’s performances of György Ligeti’s Mysteries of the Macabre.”

Francis C.C. Yip (’90) has donated generously to Acadia and treasures his ties to the University. Yet it took a visit from Rod Morrison, Acadia’s Vice-President, Advancement (retired), to persuade him to return in person for the first time in 26 years.

Although Campaign for Acadia, the most ambitious fundraising effort in Acadia’s history, concluded in December 2020–amassing a total of $86.8 million and surpassing its fundraising goal by over $12-million–it continues to receive international attention and accolades.

The Campaign earned two golds and a merit award recently at this year’s 36th annual Education Advertising Awards competition, which featured more than 2,000 entries from over 1,000 colleges, universities and secondary schools from all 50 United States and several foreign countries.

The results are in and the impact is clear. Thanks to RBC Foundation’s generous funding for a mobile, skill development platform called Q-Life, students at Acadia University are remaining engaged and staying resilient – even during a global pandemic.

Thanks to the generosity of the John and Judy Bragg Foundation, up to 13 Acadia students benefit annually from the following awards, named in honour of former teachers who were Acadia alumni:

Some of the most recent recipients of these awards spoke to Acadia about their lives as students and shared their gratitude:






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