Giving News

In typical Acadia fashion of rallying for a good cause, generations of The Athenaeum alumni are coming together to establish The Athenaeum Journalism Award to support aspiring journalists on Acadia’s campus.

Although David Davidson (’71, ’74) has achieved much in life, he has never forgotten his humble beginnings and believes firmly in supporting the University that prepared him for his enviable success.

A love of hockey drew Paul Bailey (’75) to Acadia, but his affection for the school and all it offers has deepened considerably since graduation.

Renowned physicist Dr. Paul Corkum (’65, ’06 HON) was very much like most undergraduate students when he arrived at Acadia University in the early 1960s. He came to campus thinking one thing and ended up pursuing something entirely different on an academic journey that has accomplished much and accrued countless accolades and honours locally, nationally and internationally.

Sometimes a gift carries with it more than sixty years of love and music.

Such a gift is the new Wilma H. Clark Award(s), to be granted to Bachelor of Music Therapy students, thanks to the generosity of John T. Clark (’52 and DCL ’10) and his family via the J.T. Clark Family Foundation.

When Terry (’65) and Heather Hennigar’s daughter, Crystal, passed away from cancer in 2014, the couple wanted to do something meaningful in her honour.

Thanks to the generosity of the John and Judy Bragg Foundation, up to 13 Acadia students benefit annually from the following awards, named in honour of former teachers who were Acadia alumni:

Some of the most recent recipients of these awards spoke to Acadia about their lives as students and shared their gratitude:






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