Fundamentals of Finance 2
A combination of lectures, problem-solving, case studies, group discussions, current events and field research are used to introduce students to the theory and practice of corporate finance. The course continues on from the Fundamentals of Finance 1 course to further explore financial decision-making under conditions of uncertainty and the risk-return trade-off in corporate finance.
Instructor: Stephen MacLean
Prerequisites: Busi 2223 with C- or better
Course Type: Online; Continuous-intake. Register anytime and learn at your own pace
In this course, you'll build upon what you learned in Finance I, particularly time value of money, security valuation, and risk.
Topics include:
- Capital budgeting decisions
- Long- and short-term sources of capital
- Debt and payout policies
You will be encouraged to thoroughly understand the topics through practice problems and self-teaching.