Women and Gender in Today's World: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
This interdisciplinary course analyzes the nature, status, image and changing roles of women and men in the world today, placing gender at the forefront of analysis from a cross-cultural perspective, with comparisons to Canada. May be taken for major or minor credit in Canadian Studies and Sociology. Prerequisite: Second-year standing
Instructor: Ann-Marie Powers
Prerequisites: Second-year standing
Course Type: Online; Continuous-intake. Register anytime and learn at your own pace.
This course is a women's studies course as well as a sociological/anthropological analysis of the nature, status, image and changing roles of women in the modern world. As such, it places women as both the subject and object of inquiry and places women's experiences at the forefront of analysis. Although it questions traditional assumptions about gender and the "masculinist" perspective that has dominated many theoretical perspectives in the human sciences, the course is designed not to replace, but to complement and at times, correct, the scholarly record. Since women's studies is interdisciplinary in scope and method, material from various disciplines will be used (psychology, economics, history, political science, philosophy, genetics, etc.) Therefore, the course is simultaneously interdisciplinary and cross-cultural, although comparisons with women from Canada and the United States will be made. This course may be offered for major credit in Sociology, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Women's Studies.