Giving News

Diversity is a key to success in business and society. That’s what Acadia graduate Tim Formuziewich (’00) believes, and why he has established two new awards to alleviate financial stress for students who have been challenged by economic hardship.

The Church Brewing Company in Wolfville, Nova Scotia has partnered with Acadia University’s student newspaper, The Athenaeum, to support aspiring journalists by contributing to The Athenaeum Journalism Award.

The Athenaeum will celebrate its 150th anniversary in 2024, but generations of alumni who have worked on Acadia’s student newspaper in the past are pooling their fiscal and creative resources now to establish an award to support aspiring journalists on campus.

Legendary Acadia football coach John Huard’s legacy of leadership has left a lasting impression on a host of student-athletes at Acadia, and inspired many former Axemen to create the John and Helen Huard Football Awards.

As a university student, Dianne Looker had an a-ha moment that went on to shape her career and help influence a new generation of students.

As an undergraduate studying sociology at Carleton University in Ottawa, Looker remembers fondly how her professor, Dr. Peter Pineo, told her that careful quantitative sociological research can and does inform policy and contribute in important ways to understanding the world.

The songs of the 1960s are an evocative soundtrack to the memories of many Acadia alumni, but it was more than music that made one sock hop special for David (’65) and Ruth Anne (’66) Nicholson.

Thanks to the generosity of the John and Judy Bragg Foundation, up to 13 Acadia students benefit annually from the following awards, named in honour of former teachers who were Acadia alumni:

Some of the most recent recipients of these awards spoke to Acadia about their lives as students and shared their gratitude:






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