Campus Update — April 1, 2020 — For Faculty and Staff
As the spread of the coronavirus continues, we remind you that the Province of Nova Scotia remains under a State of Emergency. Everyone–including all employees of Acadia–is instructed by the Chief Medical Officer of Health to work from home, if at all possible. We must do our part at Acadia.
Stay at home unless it's absolutely necessary to shop for groceries or to pick up prescription medication. By limiting your time spent on campus, you are helping to protect those employees whose jobs require them to come to work and students who are unable to return home. Unnecessary time spent on campus jeopardizes the health of others.
It simply cannot be stated strongly enough: you must work from home if at all possible.
We recognize that these are not normal times, and everyone is under increased stress, but during this State of Emergency, we must all work together to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Stay safe, and we look forward to seeing everyone back on campus when it is safe to do so.
Thank you,
C. Dale Keefe, PhD
Provost & Vice-President, Academic
Acadia University
Chris Callbeck, CPA, CA
Vice-President, Finance & Administration and CFO
Acadia University
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Contact for residence-related COVID-19 inquiries, and visit our Student Services page for mental health support and more.
Employees should speak with their direct supervisor.