2020-03-23 17:00
In keeping with recommendations from health authorities following the Province's decision to enact the State of Emergency, the following measures come into effect immediately, today, March 23, 2020:
Only students living in residence, Acadia employees, and authorized service providers or emergency services personnel are to be inside residences.
Transactions with food delivery drivers from local restaurants must take place outside the residence building (transactions cannot occur in the entry).
There is to be no access inside residences for off-campus students, guests or family members of a resident, or anyone providing transportation to students departing residence (including help to move belongings).
Those arriving from points outside of Nova Scotia to pick up out-of-province students will be permitted access through the Nova Scotia border. The travel must be direct to the post-secondary institution.
Those individuals must also self-isolate if they stay in Nova Scotia overnight as part of the direct travel to the institution. Those individuals are not permitted to access our residence buildings upon arrival. If you wish to have someone from outside of Nova Scotia enter to provide transportation for your departure, please contact Residence Life to make appropriate arrangements.
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Contact residencelife@acadiau.ca for residence-related COVID-19 inquiries, and visit our Student Services page for mental health support and more.
Employees should speak with their direct supervisor.