2021-01-21 17:30
Acadia University was notified today of a new positive case on campus. The individual tested positive after completing a 14-day quarantine (self-isolation) period. The student has been on campus to attend classes on January 18, 19, and 20. We thank the student for following public health protocols and wish them good health.
Nova Scotia's Public Health Authority has interviewed the individual and has started contact tracing. Anyone who may have been in immediate proximity with the student will be advised and given instructions. At this point, there are approximately ten individuals who are considered close contacts. Everyone who is a close contact is being notified, tested, and provided self-isolation instructions.
Fortunately, Acadia has extensive safety measures in place, including frequent cleaning of high-touch surfaces and applyingelectrostatic mist to disinfect classrooms between every class. The risk to others is considered minimal because of our campus COVID-19 protocols.
Successfully preventing the spread of COVID-19 depends on every Acadia student and employee following the health and safety guidelines and directives put in place by both the University and Public Health.
Now more than ever, each of us must act with vigilance to protect ourselves and others. The campus remains closed to the public. Do not invite guests to campus under any circumstances, and please:
You can find out more information about COVID-19 from the Province of Nova Scotia and the Government of Canada websites. Acadia will also post the latest updates and links to support resources on our COVID-19 information website, including Cases on Campus. Please contact our Occupational Health Nurse at caroliina.landry@acadiau.ca if you require further direction or clarification.
Mr. Chris CallbeckVice-President, Finance and Administrationand Chief Financial Officer
Dr. Dale KeefeProvost and Vice-President, Academic
The following media release is shared from the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness because it contains information related to Acadia University and the Western Zone (where Acadia is located).
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Contact residencelife@acadiau.ca for residence-related COVID-19 inquiries, and visit our Student Services page for mental health support and more.
Employees should speak with their direct supervisor.