Residence & Campus Life

Residences & Housing

Residence, Meals & Housing

Your place to grow

Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley is famous for its high quality orchards and vineyards. Everything grows here. And when you become part of Acadia’s stimulating campus community, the same thing will happen to you. You’ll blossom in a community that embraces and nourishes you.

Yes, we eat well at Acadia. All that fresh produce – some of it grown by students in our organic garden – makes its way to our award-winning chef’s kitchen and into the most amazing meal selection presented at any university dining hall. Whether you choose to live in residence or off-campus, you can purchase a meal plan that best suits your needs and your budget.

Most of our students choose to live on campus. With 11 residences to choose from – high-rise to heritage, double rooms to deluxe single suites – you’ll find the perfect fit for your personality. Plus, you’ll have over 1,500 potential friends from around the world within a few minutes walk. You’ll be in the centre of everything, including Acadia’s state-of-the-art labs and classrooms, Athletic Complex, and 50 acres of woodland trails.

Acadia is a close-knit community. On campus and in the town, everyone’s connected. You’ll rub shoulders with your profs in the dining hall and local shopkeepers will know you by name. Wolfville is the most diverse community in Nova Scotia, with great cafés and boutiques, pubs and bistros. If you choose to live off-campus, the town will welcome you. Wolfville respects and embraces Acadia students – the Homestay program is just one example.

Acadia’s that kind of place. Inspirational and down-to-earth. You’re welcome at the table and your contributions are encouraged and respected. With all that attention, you can’t help but flourish.

Create your future at Acadia. You’ll grow into it.



Residence Life
Box 122 
Acadia University
Wolfville, NS
B4P 2R6
(902) 585-1417
(902) 585-1093 (Fax)