2020-07-22 12:25
As an added precaution in response to COVID-19, Acadia University has introduced a new mask policy. It requires anyone entering publicly accessible buildings on campus to wear a non-medical mask or face covering. Exceptions will be made for those individuals for whom wearing a face-covering poses health concerns, or physical challenges.
The University has ordered Acadia-branded reusable fabric masks, which will be available for pick up starting Monday, July 27. Faculty, staff, and students who are approved to be on campus during Phase 1 of Acadia’s re-opening plan can get their masks from Safety and Security. Acadia-issued photo identification is required at the time of pick up. Two masks per faculty, staff, and student will be made available without cost.
Non-medical masks (NMM) are not required in a single-person office or a private residence room, or when another PPE is in effect, such as a plexiglass barrier. However, face coverings must be worn when it is not possible or predictable to maintain two metres (six-feet) of physical distance. Examples include hallways, elevators, classrooms, and restrooms. Masks are also recommended in outdoor spaces on campus, and required where physical distance cannot be maintained.
Nova Scotia Public Health advises that wearing a face-covering can help protect others when physical distancing may not be possible.
Anyone who needs an exemption from wearing a mask is asked to contact Safety and Security for assistance.
Learn more
Acadia’s COVID-19 Interim Mask Policy.
Watch a video about how to use a non-medical mask.
Visit Acadia’s COVID-19 information website.
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Contact residencelife@acadiau.ca for residence-related COVID-19 inquiries, and visit our Student Services page for mental health support and more.
Employees should speak with their direct supervisor.