Scholarships & Financial Assistance

With education costs on the rise, enhancing student assistance is a top priority for Acadia. Each year, we award more than $4 million to students in the form of scholarships, scholar-bursaries, bursaries, awards, and prizes. By maintaining a strong scholarship and financial assistance program, we are able to attract, retain and support our students.

As a donor to scholarships and financial assistance, you can direct your gift toward: general award funds or awards for specific departments, faculties, research, or athletic teams; any existing named awards; or you can create a personal legacy by establishing a named award yourself. By supporting scholarships and financial assistance, you can help to ensure access to all of the rewards of an Acadia education.

If you would like to give generally to the Scholarships and Financial Aid, please click here.

A. Ruth (Mackinnon) Laws (of Pictou County) Scholarship in Nutrition and Dietetics

Scholarship of up to $1,200 | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Nutrition, Current 2nd year

The A. Ruth (Mackinnon) Laws (of Pictou County) Scholarship in Nutrition and Dietetics is awarded annually to the student achieving top marks at the end of the second year in a program offered through the School of Nutrition and Dietetics or a successor or the most closely related school or program. The scholarship, valued at $1,200 (or the actual yield from the endowment not to exceed $1,200) is made possible through the generosity of Mr.Charles Laws of Sidney, BC in memory of his wife Ruth (Acadia '37).

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Acadia Alumni Athletics Awards

Award | Eligibility: Athletics

The Acadia Alumni Athletics Awards will encompass two $5,000 awards for women’s varsity sports, based on the recommendation of the Director of Athletics. The Director will consider the following criteria when making their recommendation:

-Preference is to have the awards directed toward two different women’s varsity sports.

-Recipients will demonstrate or possess the following:

• Rigorous minimum academic standard;

• A significant contribution to the teams’ success (e.g. team leadership);

• A high-quality student-athlete and human being who represents Acadia in a quality manner, both on and off the court.

• Preference will be given to a student-athlete who demonstrates financial need and represents equity-seeking populations.

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Acadia Alumni Student of the Year Award


The Acadia Alumni Student of the Year Award was established by the Associated Alumni of Acadia University in 1981 to recognize and honour an outstanding undergraduate student. The award is made annually to a student who has shown outstanding qualities of character, leadership, personality and scholarship and has made significant contributions to university life.

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Acadia Residence Bursary

Bursary of up to $3,000 | Eligibility: Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Entering first year, Nova Scotia

The Acadia Residence Bursary supports a first- or second-year student from Nova Scotia who wishes to attend Acadia and be part of the on-campus residence community, in recognition of financial need. This bursary was established by an alum who was a resident of Dennis House throughout their attendance at Acadia. "We can reach our destination, but we're still a ways away." Value: $3,000

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Acadia Sports Therapy Clinic Athletic Awards

Award | Eligibility: Athletics

The Acadia Sports Therapy Clinic Athletic Awards. Established in 2013 by Darren and Ann Booth. To be presented annually, for five years, to returning female and male student-athletes who have overcome significant adversity and demonstrate a strong academic standing, community leadership and an above average commitment to improving their athletic performance through physical, mental or other forms of rehabilitative training. The recipients will be chosen by the Director of Athletics in consultation with the appropriate therapy and coaching staff.

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Acadia University Business Co-op Student of the Year Award

Award | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Business Administration

Established by Matthew Balsor (’11) to recognize the dedication and commitment to personal and professional growth through participation in the business co-op program. Awarded annually at the Acadia Business Banquet, the recipient will be enrolled in the Business Co-op Program at Acadia University and will have successfully completed at least two co-op work terms and will possess a cumulative GPA of at least 3.33.

Qualifying students will be contacted by a representative of the co-op program and provided with application instructions should they wish to apply for the award. Students will submit a copy of their resume and a letter (maximum of two pages) explaining the following:

• How co-op has enhanced their personal, academic, and career development

• Why they are a good representative of the co-op program and Acadia University

• How they made a positive contribution to the organization(s) they worked for as a co-op student

Matthew graduated from Acadia University with an Honours BBA and says “I was fortunate to have my post-secondary education paid for through awards and scholarships and am thankful to be able to give back and help others who are working hard to help themselves.”

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Acadia University Faculty Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Arts

Created through gifts from friends, colleagues, and former students in memory of the Acadia faculty members listed below. To be awarded to a full-time student in the Faculty of Arts or School of Music in recognition of outstanding academic achievement.

• Vernon Ellis, School of Music 1974-1991 (Dean 1974-1980)

• Evelyn Garbary (DL ’79), Director of Drama 1967-1976

• Lois Vallely-Fischer, Faculty of Arts 1968-1995

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Acadia University Memorial Award


Created through gifts from family, friends, and faculty in memory of the former Acadia students listed below. To be awarded to a full-time student in good academic standing, alternating faculty from year to year.

• Maria A. Archibald

• Eleanor K. Spraker (Class of 1928)

• Freeman Webber (Class of 1940)

• Patricia Pearson

• Kenneth Freeman (Class of 1945)

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Acadia University Silver Medal in Theology

Medal | Eligibility: Divinity

The Acadia University Silver Medal in Theology is awarded to the top all-around Master of Divinity or Master of Arts (Theology) graduating student at Acadia Divinity College. Primary consideration will be given to students who have achieved a minimum CGPA of 3.6, with at least 75% of their degree requirements having been completed at Acadia. In addition to meeting the academic criteria, students will demonstrate spiritual maturity, an interest in the life of the College, and meaningful contribution to the ministry and life of the Church. This award is made annually at Spring Convocation by the University at the recommendation of the Faculty of Theology. Students may not receive this award more than once.

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Acadia University Staff Association Award

Award of up to $1,590

The Acadia University Staff Association Award is made each year to an Acadia Service Employees International Union staff member or their spouse, child, grandchild, step-child, niece or nephew who is a full time student. First consideration will be given to staff and immediate family members. The recipient will be recommended by the SEIU executive. The award is based on academic performance and need.

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Acadia Women’s Hockey Bursary

Bursary | Eligibility: Athletics

Established in 2015 by friends of the women’s ice hockey team, this bursary is awarded annually to a member of the women’s hockey team in recognition of financial need. The recipient has a solid academic record and shows dedication to her team and community.

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Acadie Vie/Acadia Life Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Business Administration

The Acadie Vie/Acadia Life Scholarship is awarded annually to a student from the Maritime Provinces who enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration program. Preference will be given to a student who is a resident of an Acadian community/region. This scholarship is made possible through the generosity of Acadie Vie/Acadia Life of Caraquet, New Brunswick.

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AIL Acadia Scholarship

Scholarship of up to $60,000 | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Pure and Applied Science, Applied Science, Business Administration, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics

The AIL Acadia Scholarship is awarded annually on a renewable basis to an entering student from Tantramar Regional High School or Amherst Regional High School registered in a Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor/Certificate of Applied Science or Bachelor of Science program at Acadia University. Preference will be given to students studying in engineering, physics, or mathematics and statistics.

The recipient will possess the characteristics of John and Anne Wilson, namely he/she will be entrepreneurial, positively involved in the community life of the Sackville New Brunswick area, and will have demonstrated potential to contribute to, and benefit from, an Acadia University education. The recipient must have an overall minimum average of 80% in university preparatory courses for each of the grades 10, 11 and first semester Grade 12 years. The scholarship was established in 2005 by the generosity of the Wilson family and holds a program value of up to $38,000. In addition, the scholarship includes a residence scholarship, courtesy of Acadia University, for each of the four years at Acadia at a total value of $22,000. Please note: To be considered for this scholarship, students must have a minimum 80% average in grade 11 and grade 12.

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Al Charuk Football Award

Award | Eligibility: Athletics

Established in 2020 by Al Charuk (’75). To be awarded to a returning varsity men’s football player who demonstrates a hard work ethic, leadership qualities and community involvement. The recipient shall be in good academic standing. The recipient will be chosen by the Director of Athletics in consultation with the head coach of the varsity men’s football program. The inaugural disbursement to the successful recipient will be for the 2021-22 academic year.

The award honours Al Charuk, former football Axemen. Al played for three seasons with the Axemen capturing the Hec Crighton Award in 1974. His leadership and hard work at Acadia led to an eight year career in Canadian Football League where Al was a Schenley Award nominee given annually to the top Canadian in the CFL. Al Charuk was inducted into the Acadia University Sports Hall of Fame in 1992.

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Alan M. Wilson Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year, New Brunswick

The Alan M. Wilson Scholarship of $960 ($240 a year for up to four years) was endowed by the late Alan M. Wilson, D.C.L., of Manchester, New Hampshire.

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Alan R. Dennis Leadership Award


Awarded annually to a returning student, the Alan R. Dennis Leadership Award recognizes high academic achievement and strong leadership qualities as evidenced through extracurricular involvement and/or community activities. The recipient must have a minimum 80% average and display good citizenship within the Acadia community.

The award was established in 2019 and made possible through the generosity of Dr. Alan R. Dennis (Acadia, Class of 1982). After studying Computer Science at Acadia, Dr. Dennis received his MBA from Queen’s University in 1984 and his PhD from Arizona State University in 1991. Dr. Dennis currently holds the John T. Chambers Chair of Internet Systems in the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University.

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Alce MacLeod Award in Comparative Religion

Award | Eligibility: Arts, Comparative Religion, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year

The Alce MacLeod Award in Comparative Religion was established by Preston Warren (Acadia, 1925) in the name of his wife, Alice MacLeod Warren (Acadia, 1925). The award is in the amount of $195. Students who have excelled in the study of Comparative Religion are eligible for the award, but preference will be given to one who intends to proceed to a degree in theology upon completion of the Bachelor's degree.

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Alden B. Dawson Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Biology, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year

The Alden B. Dawson Scholarship. One or two scholarships are awarded annually for advanced study in biology, to a Masters student or to an Honours student. Dr. Alden B. Dawson (B.A. Acadia, 1915; Ph.D. Harvard, 1918; D.Sc. Acadia, 1938) was a distinguished professor of Anatomy and Zoology at Harvard University.

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Alden R. Clark Athletic Award

Award of up to $1,505 | Eligibility: Athletics, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year

The Alden R. Clark Athletic Award is provided by Dr. Alden R. Clark (B.A. Acadia, 1924; D.C.L. (Hon.), 1978) of Fredericton, New Brunswick. The award is given on the recommendation of the Director of Athletics to a New Brunswick resident entering their second or subsequent year of study at Acadia who has given evidence of good academic achievement, leadership and sporting behaviour and has participated in varsity intercollegiate sport. At the discretion of the Director of Athletics, two awards of equal value may be made in any given year.

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Alden R. Clark Scholarship in Business Administration

Scholarship | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Business Administration, Entering first year, New Brunswick

The Alden R. Clark Scholarship in Business Administration is a renewable entrance scholarship of $1400 established by Dr. Alden R. Clark (B.A. Acadia, 1924; D.C.L. (Hon.), 1978) of Fredericton, New Brunswick. It is available to a resident of the Province of New Brunswick who is entering the School of Business Administration.

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Alex McLaughlin (’14) Memorial Award

Award | Eligibility: Entering first year, Nova Scotia

Established in 2015, to be awarded to an entering full-time student who is a high school varsity athlete showing exceptional commitment to sport. Preference for students from the Dartmouth area.

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Alexander L. Anderson Bursary

Bursary | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Biology, Chemistry

The Alexander L. Anderson Bursary. The late Mrs. A. L. Anderson of Wolfville, Nova Scotia, has left to the University an amount sufficient to yield $3800 per year which is to be used to assist students of superior ability in need of help who are majoring in chemistry or biology, preferably, but not necessarily, those who are looking forward to medicine.

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Alexander L. Anderson Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year, New Brunswick

The Alexander L. Anderson Scholarship. A scholarship of $320 has been endowed by the late Mrs. A. L. Anderson of Wolfville, Nova Scotia, in memory of her husband, the late Alexander L. Anderson, M.D. (Horton Academy, 1892), to be awarded to a qualified entrant from the Province of New Brunswick. If a satisfactory record is maintained, the scholarship will be continued for the same student throughout the academic program. If in any year no student qualifies for the award, the sum may be used as bursary aid for needy and deserving students.

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Alfred C. Fuller Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year, Nova Scotia

The Alfred C. Fuller Scholarship of $960 ($320 a year for up to three years) was endowed by Mr. Alfred C. Fuller of Hartford, Connecticut.

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Alfred D. Arthurs Scholar-Bursaries

Scholar-Bursary | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Chemistry, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year, Entering first year

The Alfred D. Arthurs Scholar-Bursaries in Chemistry are awarded annually to students who have declared a major in chemistry on the basis of scholastic achievement and financial need. The scholar-bursaries are available to entering and continuing students. The scholar-bursaries were established by Alfred D. Arthurs, a member of the graduating class of 1929.

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Alfred D. Arthurs Scholarship in Chemistry

Scholarship | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Chemistry, Entering first year

The Alfred D. Arthurs Scholarship in Chemistry is awarded annually to an entering student who has declared a major in chemistry. The scholarship is valued at $10,000 ($5,500 in one year and $1,500 in each subsequent year). Renewal of the scholarship will be subject to the policies of the Scholarships, Prizes and Awards Committee. The scholarship was established by Alfred D. Arthurs, a member of the gradating class of 1929.

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Alice Maud Fitch Grant Memorial Scholarships

Scholarship | Eligibility: Arts, Professional Studies, Art, Music, Theatre, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year

The Alice Maud Fitch Grant Memorial Scholarships were provided for in the Estate of Dr. Marion Elder Grant (B.A. Acadia, 1921; M.A. Toronto, 1931; LL.D., U.N.B., 1950; DCL Acadia, 1964). Dr. Grant was Dean of Women (1936-60), President of the Canadian Federation of University Women (1949-52), President of the Associated Alumni (1961­63) and member of the Board of Governors (1976-87). In 1984 she was chosen as "Woman of the Century" by the Associated Alumni. She died in 1989. Alice Maud Fitch Grant (B.A. Acadia, 1885; M.A. 1892; M.A. McMaster, 1894) was the second woman to graduate from Acadia. The in-course scholarships are available annually to students entering the second or subsequent years of study in the Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Arts (Art), or Bachelor of Arts (Theatre Studies) on recommendation of the appropriate Dean or Director.

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Allen Family Football Award

Award of up to $2,000 | Eligibility: Athletics

Established in 2021 by Todd Allen (’98). This award recognizes a varsity football student-athlete who excels in football and academics and is engaged with the community. The recipient will be chosen by the Director of Athletics in consultation with the Head Coach of the football program.

The Allen family has been active in Canadian Interuniversity Sport for generations. Todd Allen (’98) is a 2-time AUS conference champion (’95 & ’98) with the Axemen. His father Tom Allen and Uncle Robbie Allen both played football at Bishop’s University with Robbie going on to play in the CFL with the BC Lions. Todd’s Grandfather Bob Allen was a multi-sport athlete at Western University playing varsity football, basketball, track & field and lacrosse. Beyond Tom Allen’s playing days, he went on to coach football for 40 years, was the Athletics Director at Bishop’s University, President of CIS Sport and RSEQ Commissioner upon retirement.

Value: $2,000 annually

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Alumni Bursary - Valley Branch

Bursary | Eligibility: Entering first year

The Alumni Bursary – Valley Branch will be awarded to two entering students with demonstrated financial need from high schools in the Annapolis Valley. Preference will be given to students with a direct Acadia alumni connection (son/daughter or grandson/granddaughter).

These awards were established in 2009 and have been provided from the proceeds of the Annual Acadia Alumni Golf Tournament held in the Annapolis Valley.

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Alumni Swimming Leadership Award

Award of up to $1,000 | Eligibility: Athletics

Alumni Swimming Leadership Award. Established in 2014 by Rob Harris, Class of 1995. To be awarded annually on the recommendation of the Director of Athletics to an entering or returning varsity swimmer who demonstrates commitment to leadership in the pool while maintaining strong academic standards as a student athlete in the classroom.

This award will be open to eligible students with an academic average of 70% or more.

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Alvah H. and Mabel DeW. Chipman Memorial Scholarships

Scholarship | Eligibility: Arts, Pure and Applied Science, Entering first year

The Alvah H. and Mabel DeW. Chipman Memorial Scholarships. Two of $2600 each have been provided by gifts of Sidney S. Chipman (Acadia, 1924), Carol Chipman Noble (Acadia, 1925), and Curtis H. Chipman in memory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvah H. Chipman, formerly of Hampton, New Brunswick, and of their paternal grandparents, the Rev. Alfred Chipman (Acadia, 1855) and Mrs. Alice Shaw Chipman, the first principal of Acadia Ladies Seminary (1861). The awards are made annually to entering students on the basis of scholarship and financial need. They may be renewed for a second year providing a satisfactory academic record is maintained. Preference is given to students with major interest in the fine arts or natural sciences.

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Ambassador of Austria in Canada Book Prize in German

Prize | Eligibility: Arts, German, Current 2nd year

The Ambassador of Austria in Canada Book Prize in German is provided by the Austrian Embassy to be awarded by the Department of German on the basis of distinction to a student who has achieved the highest average throughout their second year of study of German.

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Ambassador of Spain in Canada Book Prize in Spanish

Prize | Eligibility: Spanish

The Ambassador of Spain in Canada Book Prize in Spanish is provided by the Spanish Embassy to be awarded by the Department of Spanish on the basis of distinction to the graduating student major who has achieved the highest average throughout their years of study of the Spanish language.

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Ambassador of Switzerland Canada Book Prize in German

Prize | Eligibility: Arts, German, Current 3rd year

The Ambassador of Switzerland Canada Book Prize in German is provided by the Swiss Embassy to be awarded by the Department of German on the basis of distinction to a student who has achieved the highest average throughout their third year of study of German.

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Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Canada Book Prizes in German

Prize | Eligibility: Arts, German, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year

The Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Canada Book Prizes in German are provided by the German Embassy to be awarded by the Department of German on the basis of distinction to a student each in their first, second and third year of study of German who has achieved the highest average.

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Amelia Black Bursary

Bursary | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Music, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year

The Amelia Black Bursary. A fund bequeathed by the late Miss Amelia Black provides $30 to be used to assist some needy student in the School of Music

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Andrew P. Watson Memorial Entrance Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year

The Andrew P. Watson Memorial Entrance Scholarship ($3120) was endowed by his sister, Mrs. Anna Coward. Mr. Watson (B.A. Acadia, 1917) had a distinguished career as a teacher in schools in Cape Breton and Quebec. The scholarship is awarded annually to a superior entrant without reference to program

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Andrews Family Basketball Award

Award | Eligibility: Athletics

The Andrews Family Basketball Award was established in 2017 by Amber Andrews (’96). The award will be presented to a student-athlete who:

• is a returning member of the women’s basketball program;

• is in good academic standing;

• demonstrates a hard work ethic and strong leadership with her team;

• provides leadership within the community.

The recipient will be recommended by the Director of Athletics in consultation with the head coach of the women’s varsity basketball program.

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Anna Julia Taylor Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Arts, French, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year

The Anna Julia Taylor Memorial Scholarship is available in the second or subsequent year, on recommendation of the Department of French, to a student who is pursuing an honours program in French. Dr. Taylor graduated from Memorial, Dalhousie and Columbia Universities and studied at the Sorbonne. She taught at Acadia from 1948 to 1956.

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Annapolis Valley Muslim Community Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year, Nova Scotia

The Annapolis Valley Muslim Community Scholarship will be awarded annually to two entering students with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students from the Annapolis Valley.

This award was established in 2009 by the Annapolis Valley Muslim Community in appreciation of becoming part of the community.

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Annie McClelland Smith Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year, Nova Scotia

The Annie McClelland Smith Memorial Scholarship are provided for from the Estate of Malcolm Smith, a friend of the University, in memory of his mother. The scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the University with preference for Annapolis County residents.

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Annie McClelland Smith Memorial Scholarships


The Annie McClelland Smith Memorial Scholarships are provided for, from the Estate of Malcolm Smith, a friend of the University, in memory of his mother. The scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the University with preference for Annapolis County residents.

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Anthony A. Smith Scholar-Bursary

Scholar-Bursary of up to $1,000 | Eligibility: Arts, Professional Studies, Pure and Applied Science, International student

As a student at Acadia, Anthony Smith rose as a leader amid his peers in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) on campus and was known to hold great affection for his alma mater. After graduation and upon returning to the Bahamas, he devoted his spare time to the development of the country’s youth, mentoring them through sport and in organizations such as Junior Achievement, often doing pro bono training with students preparing for accounting certification. Anthony sought no recognition for his contribution to his fellow Bahamians, but was known to be quietly generous with those in need. As an act of gratitude and respect – and to follow his example – his friends and fellow Acadia alumni have established the Anthony A. Smith BBA ‘01 Scholar-Bursary as a memorial tribute. The scholar-bursary, valued at $1,000 annually, will be awarded to a Bahamian student in full-time study in any discipline at Acadia who demonstrates both academic achievement and/or promise and financial need.

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Anthony G. Fanok Scholar-Bursary

Scholar-Bursary | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science

The Anthony G. Fanok Scholar-Bursary is awarded on a renewable basis to an entering or returning student in the Faculty of Science with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to a student graduating from a high school in Canada with an interest in athletic activities. The endowed scholar-bursary was established in 2005 by Anthony G. Fanok, BSC '63.

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Archibald A. Reid Memorial Scholarship in Music

Scholarship of up to $1,000 | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Music, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year

The Archibald A. Reid Memorial Scholarship in Music is awarded annually on the recommendation of the Director of the School of Music to a needy student in the Bachelor of Music degree program who possesses superior musical and academic talents. The scholarship, established in 1978, is provided by Allan A. Reid, B.Comm. McGill, 1953, (father of Clifford A. Reid, B.A., B.Ed. Acadia, 1971), in response to a suggestion of his late wife, Camille, nee Delorme, who had high regard for Acadia's School of Music and loving affection for her late father-in-law.

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Arthur Irving Athletics Awards

Award | Eligibility: Athletics

Established in 2019 by the Irving Family in honour of Chancellor Emeritus Arthur Irving. Awarded at the discretion of the Director of Athletics to facilitate recruitment and retention of outstanding athletes. Awards will be made annually 2020-2022 to: one prospective or returning male student-athlete; one prospective or returning female student-athlete; one women’s rugby student-athlete; one male student-athlete; one female student-athlete.

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Arthur L. Irving Family Foundation Scholarships in Environmental Science

Scholarship of up to $15,000 | Eligibility: Entering first year, for students wishing to study environmental issues through their education

The Arthur Irving Academy Scholarships in Environmental Science at Acadia University are among the most prestigious of university scholarships.

The scholarships provide some of the best students at Acadia University with the financial assistance and research support they need in order to excel in their studies. Furthermore, recipients are part of a mentorship program and are provided with invaluable opportunities in research at the renowned K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre and Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens. The financial assistance component of the scholarship is renewable and is valued at $15,000 per academic year.

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Arthur Owen Hickson Scholar-Bursary

Scholar-Bursary | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science

The Arthur Owen Hickson Scholar-Bursary in Computer Science is awarded annually to one or more students in a Bachelor of Science degree program on the basis of financial need and academic performance. It may be awarded to entering or in-course students. The scholar-bursary has been made possible through a bequest from the late Dorothy B. Hickson of Saint John, New Brunswick in memory of her brother, Arthur Owen Hickson (BA '21).

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Arthur, Norman, Dean and David Rogers Scholarship


The Arthur, Norman, Dean and David Rogers Scholarship was provided for by the late Arthur Rogers (B.A. Acadia, 1915; LL.B. Dalhousie, 1921; K.C. 1933; D.C.L. Acadia, 1938). It is awarded at the end of each year on recommendation of the Students' Council to the student who has shown the most outstanding leadership in student affairs during that year.

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ASU Student Leadership Scholarship


The ASU Student Leadership Scholarship is awarded annually to one or more returning students who are nominees for an ASU Leadership Award and have made a significant contribution to student life at Acadia University both inside and outside the classroom while maintaining a recognizable academic standard. The scholarship was established in 2004 through generous contributions from Sodexho and the Acadia Students’ Union.

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Athenaeum Journalism Award


In celebration of the student publication’s 150th anniversary in 2024, The Athenaeum Journalism Award is granted to a returning writer of The Athenaeum who has displayed journalistic excellence, commitment to The Athenaeum, and demonstrates promise in campus journalism. Recipients are chosen annually at the discretion of The Athenaeum Publishing Board.

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Atlantic Society of Fish and Wildlife Biologists Donald G. Dodds Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Biology, Current 4th year

The Atlantic Society of Fish and Wildlife Biologists Donald G. Dodds Scholarship is awarded annually on recommendation of the Department of Biology, in conjunction with the Faculty of Science. Preference will be given to graduate students in the Masters of Science program in Biology. If in any year the scholarship cannot be awarded to a graduate student, it can be awarded to an honours student enrolled in Biology and should that not be possible to a graduate student or an honours student enrolled in the Faculty of Science. Candidates should have a demonstrated academic focus on fish and wildlife biology. The scholarship has been funded by the Atlantic Society of Fish and Wildlife Biologists.

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AUFA Student Bursaries


The AUFA STUDENT BURSARY will be awarded annually to an Acadia University student who exhibits financial need. Preference will be given to an immediate family member (child or spouse) of any unionized employee (not limited to Acadia University unions).

The bursary was established in 2007 by the Acadia University Faculty Association.

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Augusta Ada Single Parent Award

Award | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Computer Science, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year

The Augusta Ada Single Parent Award is available to a needy single parent who is in receipt of benefits from the Nova Scotia Department of Social Services or receiving similar benefits from another source. The eligible student must be taking at least four credits and have a minimum A­ (80%) average. Preference is given to women in computer science. The award is provided by Alumni and Friends in honour of the contributions of Augusta Ada in the field of computer science as the world's first computer programmer.

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AVR-MBS Athletic Award

Award of up to $1,000 | Eligibility: Athletics, Business Administration

Established in 2019 by Annapolis Valley Radio, this award recognizes a returning male varsity student-athlete enrolled in business. Preference will be given to a student who expresses an interest in a journalism career. The recipient must be in good academic standing, demonstrate leadership on the team and in the community. Value: $1,000.

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AVRCE African Canadian Education Services Award

Award | Eligibility: Graduate

The AVRCE African Canadian Education Services Award is to be awarded annually to a student who is of African descent, a graduate from the Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education, and who is entering the first year of a Bachelor of Education program at Acadia University. Eligible students must fully complete the application form, and submit it accompanied by a Letter of Application

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