Scholarships & Financial Assistance

With education costs on the rise, enhancing student assistance is a top priority for Acadia. Each year, we award more than $4 million to students in the form of scholarships, scholar-bursaries, bursaries, awards, and prizes. By maintaining a strong scholarship and financial assistance program, we are able to attract, retain and support our students.

As a donor to scholarships and financial assistance, you can direct your gift toward: general award funds or awards for specific departments, faculties, research, or athletic teams; any existing named awards; or you can create a personal legacy by establishing a named award yourself. By supporting scholarships and financial assistance, you can help to ensure access to all of the rewards of an Acadia education.

If you would like to give generally to the Scholarships and Financial Aid, please click here.

A. Ruth (Mackinnon) Laws (of Pictou County) Scholarship in Nutrition and Dietetics

Scholarship of up to $1,200 | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Nutrition, Current 2nd year

The A. Ruth (Mackinnon) Laws (of Pictou County) Scholarship in Nutrition and Dietetics is awarded annually to the student achieving top marks at the end of the second year in a program offered through the School of Nutrition and Dietetics or a successor or the most closely related school or program. The scholarship, valued at $1,200 (or the actual yield from the endowment not to exceed $1,200) is made possible through the generosity of Mr.Charles Laws of Sidney, BC in memory of his wife Ruth (Acadia '37).

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Acadia University Faculty Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Arts

Created through gifts from friends, colleagues, and former students in memory of the Acadia faculty members listed below. To be awarded to a full-time student in the Faculty of Arts or School of Music in recognition of outstanding academic achievement.

• Vernon Ellis, School of Music 1974-1991 (Dean 1974-1980)

• Evelyn Garbary (DL ’79), Director of Drama 1967-1976

• Lois Vallely-Fischer, Faculty of Arts 1968-1995

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Acadie Vie/Acadia Life Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Business Administration

The Acadie Vie/Acadia Life Scholarship is awarded annually to a student from the Maritime Provinces who enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration program. Preference will be given to a student who is a resident of an Acadian community/region. This scholarship is made possible through the generosity of Acadie Vie/Acadia Life of Caraquet, New Brunswick.

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AIL Acadia Scholarship

Scholarship of up to $60,000 | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Pure and Applied Science, Applied Science, Business Administration, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics

The AIL Acadia Scholarship is awarded annually on a renewable basis to an entering student from Tantramar Regional High School or Amherst Regional High School registered in a Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor/Certificate of Applied Science or Bachelor of Science program at Acadia University. Preference will be given to students studying in engineering, physics, or mathematics and statistics.

The recipient will possess the characteristics of John and Anne Wilson, namely he/she will be entrepreneurial, positively involved in the community life of the Sackville New Brunswick area, and will have demonstrated potential to contribute to, and benefit from, an Acadia University education. The recipient must have an overall minimum average of 80% in university preparatory courses for each of the grades 10, 11 and first semester Grade 12 years. The scholarship was established in 2005 by the generosity of the Wilson family and holds a program value of up to $38,000. In addition, the scholarship includes a residence scholarship, courtesy of Acadia University, for each of the four years at Acadia at a total value of $22,000. Please note: To be considered for this scholarship, students must have a minimum 80% average in grade 11 and grade 12.

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Alan M. Wilson Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year, New Brunswick

The Alan M. Wilson Scholarship of $960 ($240 a year for up to four years) was endowed by the late Alan M. Wilson, D.C.L., of Manchester, New Hampshire.

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Alden B. Dawson Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Biology, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year

The Alden B. Dawson Scholarship. One or two scholarships are awarded annually for advanced study in biology, to a Masters student or to an Honours student. Dr. Alden B. Dawson (B.A. Acadia, 1915; Ph.D. Harvard, 1918; D.Sc. Acadia, 1938) was a distinguished professor of Anatomy and Zoology at Harvard University.

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Alden R. Clark Scholarship in Business Administration

Scholarship | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Business Administration, Entering first year, New Brunswick

The Alden R. Clark Scholarship in Business Administration is a renewable entrance scholarship of $1400 established by Dr. Alden R. Clark (B.A. Acadia, 1924; D.C.L. (Hon.), 1978) of Fredericton, New Brunswick. It is available to a resident of the Province of New Brunswick who is entering the School of Business Administration.

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Alexander L. Anderson Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year, New Brunswick

The Alexander L. Anderson Scholarship. A scholarship of $320 has been endowed by the late Mrs. A. L. Anderson of Wolfville, Nova Scotia, in memory of her husband, the late Alexander L. Anderson, M.D. (Horton Academy, 1892), to be awarded to a qualified entrant from the Province of New Brunswick. If a satisfactory record is maintained, the scholarship will be continued for the same student throughout the academic program. If in any year no student qualifies for the award, the sum may be used as bursary aid for needy and deserving students.

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Alfred C. Fuller Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year, Nova Scotia

The Alfred C. Fuller Scholarship of $960 ($320 a year for up to three years) was endowed by Mr. Alfred C. Fuller of Hartford, Connecticut.

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Alfred D. Arthurs Scholarship in Chemistry

Scholarship | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Chemistry, Entering first year

The Alfred D. Arthurs Scholarship in Chemistry is awarded annually to an entering student who has declared a major in chemistry. The scholarship is valued at $10,000 ($5,500 in one year and $1,500 in each subsequent year). Renewal of the scholarship will be subject to the policies of the Scholarships, Prizes and Awards Committee. The scholarship was established by Alfred D. Arthurs, a member of the gradating class of 1929.

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Alice Maud Fitch Grant Memorial Scholarships

Scholarship | Eligibility: Arts, Professional Studies, Art, Music, Theatre, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year

The Alice Maud Fitch Grant Memorial Scholarships were provided for in the Estate of Dr. Marion Elder Grant (B.A. Acadia, 1921; M.A. Toronto, 1931; LL.D., U.N.B., 1950; DCL Acadia, 1964). Dr. Grant was Dean of Women (1936-60), President of the Canadian Federation of University Women (1949-52), President of the Associated Alumni (1961­63) and member of the Board of Governors (1976-87). In 1984 she was chosen as "Woman of the Century" by the Associated Alumni. She died in 1989. Alice Maud Fitch Grant (B.A. Acadia, 1885; M.A. 1892; M.A. McMaster, 1894) was the second woman to graduate from Acadia. The in-course scholarships are available annually to students entering the second or subsequent years of study in the Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Arts (Art), or Bachelor of Arts (Theatre Studies) on recommendation of the appropriate Dean or Director.

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Alvah H. and Mabel DeW. Chipman Memorial Scholarships

Scholarship | Eligibility: Arts, Pure and Applied Science, Entering first year

The Alvah H. and Mabel DeW. Chipman Memorial Scholarships. Two of $2600 each have been provided by gifts of Sidney S. Chipman (Acadia, 1924), Carol Chipman Noble (Acadia, 1925), and Curtis H. Chipman in memory of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvah H. Chipman, formerly of Hampton, New Brunswick, and of their paternal grandparents, the Rev. Alfred Chipman (Acadia, 1855) and Mrs. Alice Shaw Chipman, the first principal of Acadia Ladies Seminary (1861). The awards are made annually to entering students on the basis of scholarship and financial need. They may be renewed for a second year providing a satisfactory academic record is maintained. Preference is given to students with major interest in the fine arts or natural sciences.

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Andrew P. Watson Memorial Entrance Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year

The Andrew P. Watson Memorial Entrance Scholarship ($3120) was endowed by his sister, Mrs. Anna Coward. Mr. Watson (B.A. Acadia, 1917) had a distinguished career as a teacher in schools in Cape Breton and Quebec. The scholarship is awarded annually to a superior entrant without reference to program

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Anna Julia Taylor Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Arts, French, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year

The Anna Julia Taylor Memorial Scholarship is available in the second or subsequent year, on recommendation of the Department of French, to a student who is pursuing an honours program in French. Dr. Taylor graduated from Memorial, Dalhousie and Columbia Universities and studied at the Sorbonne. She taught at Acadia from 1948 to 1956.

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Annapolis Valley Muslim Community Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year, Nova Scotia

The Annapolis Valley Muslim Community Scholarship will be awarded annually to two entering students with demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to students from the Annapolis Valley.

This award was established in 2009 by the Annapolis Valley Muslim Community in appreciation of becoming part of the community.

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Annie McClelland Smith Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Entering first year, Nova Scotia

The Annie McClelland Smith Memorial Scholarship are provided for from the Estate of Malcolm Smith, a friend of the University, in memory of his mother. The scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the University with preference for Annapolis County residents.

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Annie McClelland Smith Memorial Scholarships


The Annie McClelland Smith Memorial Scholarships are provided for, from the Estate of Malcolm Smith, a friend of the University, in memory of his mother. The scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the University with preference for Annapolis County residents.

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Archibald A. Reid Memorial Scholarship in Music

Scholarship of up to $1,000 | Eligibility: Professional Studies, Music, Current 1st year, Current 2nd year, Current 3rd year, Current 4th year

The Archibald A. Reid Memorial Scholarship in Music is awarded annually on the recommendation of the Director of the School of Music to a needy student in the Bachelor of Music degree program who possesses superior musical and academic talents. The scholarship, established in 1978, is provided by Allan A. Reid, B.Comm. McGill, 1953, (father of Clifford A. Reid, B.A., B.Ed. Acadia, 1971), in response to a suggestion of his late wife, Camille, nee Delorme, who had high regard for Acadia's School of Music and loving affection for her late father-in-law.

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Arthur L. Irving Family Foundation Scholarships in Environmental Science

Scholarship of up to $15,000 | Eligibility: Entering first year, for students wishing to study environmental issues through their education

The Arthur Irving Academy Scholarships in Environmental Science at Acadia University are among the most prestigious of university scholarships.

The scholarships provide some of the best students at Acadia University with the financial assistance and research support they need in order to excel in their studies. Furthermore, recipients are part of a mentorship program and are provided with invaluable opportunities in research at the renowned K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre and Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens. The financial assistance component of the scholarship is renewable and is valued at $15,000 per academic year.

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Arthur, Norman, Dean and David Rogers Scholarship


The Arthur, Norman, Dean and David Rogers Scholarship was provided for by the late Arthur Rogers (B.A. Acadia, 1915; LL.B. Dalhousie, 1921; K.C. 1933; D.C.L. Acadia, 1938). It is awarded at the end of each year on recommendation of the Students' Council to the student who has shown the most outstanding leadership in student affairs during that year.

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ASU Student Leadership Scholarship


The ASU Student Leadership Scholarship is awarded annually to one or more returning students who are nominees for an ASU Leadership Award and have made a significant contribution to student life at Acadia University both inside and outside the classroom while maintaining a recognizable academic standard. The scholarship was established in 2004 through generous contributions from Sodexho and the Acadia Students’ Union.

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Atlantic Society of Fish and Wildlife Biologists Donald G. Dodds Scholarship

Scholarship | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Biology, Current 4th year

The Atlantic Society of Fish and Wildlife Biologists Donald G. Dodds Scholarship is awarded annually on recommendation of the Department of Biology, in conjunction with the Faculty of Science. Preference will be given to graduate students in the Masters of Science program in Biology. If in any year the scholarship cannot be awarded to a graduate student, it can be awarded to an honours student enrolled in Biology and should that not be possible to a graduate student or an honours student enrolled in the Faculty of Science. Candidates should have a demonstrated academic focus on fish and wildlife biology. The scholarship has been funded by the Atlantic Society of Fish and Wildlife Biologists.

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