Scholarships & Financial Assistance

With education costs on the rise, enhancing student assistance is a top priority for Acadia. Each year, we award more than $4 million to students in the form of scholarships, scholar-bursaries, bursaries, awards, and prizes. By maintaining a strong scholarship and financial assistance program, we are able to attract, retain and support our students.

As a donor to scholarships and financial assistance, you can direct your gift toward: general award funds or awards for specific departments, faculties, research, or athletic teams; any existing named awards; or you can create a personal legacy by establishing a named award yourself. By supporting scholarships and financial assistance, you can help to ensure access to all of the rewards of an Acadia education.

If you would like to give generally to the Scholarships and Financial Aid, please click here.

Walker Science Research Award

Award | Eligibility: Pure and Applied Science, Pursuing an Honours Research Project

The Walker Science Research Award is designed to support the unique research work of Acadia’s most promising undergraduate Honours students in Science. It will be awarded during the summer prior to the final year in recognition of their research proposal for the BSc Honours in any of the natural sciences.

Robert Walker (’73, ’17) and Karen Higgins (’74), both from Dartmouth, met in High School and were married a few days before Karen’s graduation from Acadia. Karen subsequently spent much of her career in financial services. Bob continued his studies after his BSc in Physics at McMaster, earning a MEng in Engineering Physics and a PhD in Electrical Engineering. He has received many academic and service awards for his outstanding career as government scientist, manager and senior executive. Karen and Bob have three children and nine grandchildren.

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