Scholarships & Financial Assistance

With education costs on the rise, enhancing student assistance is a top priority for Acadia. Each year, we award more than $4 million to students in the form of scholarships, scholar-bursaries, bursaries, awards, and prizes. By maintaining a strong scholarship and financial assistance program, we are able to attract, retain and support our students.

As a donor to scholarships and financial assistance, you can direct your gift toward: general award funds or awards for specific departments, faculties, research, or athletic teams; any existing named awards; or you can create a personal legacy by establishing a named award yourself. By supporting scholarships and financial assistance, you can help to ensure access to all of the rewards of an Acadia education.

If you would like to give generally to the Scholarships and Financial Aid, please click here.

Graham Daborn Scholarship in Biology

Up to$1,000
Eligible facultiesPure and Applied Science
Eligible subjectsBiology

Established in 2016 by a colleague and former research student, Dr. Anna Redden (’79, ’82, ’86), this scholarship recognizes academic excellence in honours or graduate Biology students engaged in ecological research on the Bay of Fundy, preferably with the Acadia Centre for Estuarine Research, and committed to public education and community outreach. Value: $1,000

Dr. Graham R. Daborn was for three decades (1973-2004) a distinguished professor in Biology and inspiring mentor to numerous students at Acadia University. For service and ongoing contributions, he was appointed Professor Emeritus in 2009. He was the founding Director of the Acadia Centre for Estuarine Research (ACER), a facility established in 1985 to focus research attention on the Bay of Fundy. During 1996 to 2004, he co-chaired the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership and, from 2004 to 2007, he was the Director of Acadia’s Academy for the Environment. He was also instrumental in the formation and direction of the Fundy Energy Research Network and the Acadia Tidal Energy Institute. Dr. Daborn’s extensive service on boards and committees includes the Atlantic Council of the World Wildlife Fund of Canada, Canadian Water Network, NSERC, Marine Renewables Canada (formerly OREG), and the Offshore Energy Environmental Research Association of Nova Scotia. He is well known for his generosity to students, his outstanding commitment to public education on environmental issues, and his many professional contributions to not-for-profit agencies and community groups. Honours received include the 1993 Visionary Award of the Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment and the 2002 Outstanding Science Champion Award of the Discovery Centre of Nova Scotia.


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